"Kumbinasyun" is a word in CEBUANO

kumbinasyun CEBUANO

kumbinasyun n {1} combination shot in pool whereby the cue ball hits another ball into the pocket by deflecting o?
the target ball.
nga pinasúgù a combination shot where the target ball knocks the desired ball into the pocket instead of the cue ball.
{2} = kumbinasiyun.
v [c1] make a combination shot in pool.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes the truth stares us in the face, but we just choose not to look.

Gill Lewis, White Dolphin

Laugh your heart out.

Anak: Tay, di ko katulog, daghan ma’g lamok!

Tatay: Pawngon nato ang suga aron di ta makit-an.

(Pagpawng sa suga, nanggawas ang mga aninipot)

Anak: Hala tay! Nagdala silag flashlight!


baldi n {1} pail. {2} storm signal consisting of a cone made of canvas raised by day in combination with …

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ritruku CEBUANO

ritrúku n k. o. combination shot in billiards where the player makes a carom when the cue ball is between …

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trís number three. v {1} [B256; c1] get to be three, make s.t. three. Mutrís na siya karung Marsu, Hell …

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