"Kumbal" is a word in CEBUANO

kumbal CEBUANO

kumbal n k.
hammer the ends of the head of which are rounded, used in moulding metallic sheets into bowl-shaped ob-jects.
v [A; a] use this k.

Few words of positivity

River Tam (Summer Glau): No power in the 'verse can stop me.

Joss Whedon

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many tourists does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: Six: One to hold the bulb and five to ask for directions.

dagukduk CEBUANO

dagukduk (from dukduk) n hammering, knocking sound. v [B4] make hammering, knocking sound. Ug mudagukduk ang makina náay dipiktu, Theres …

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pikpik CEBUANO

pikpik v {1} [A3; a12] pat, tap lightly on the body. Dinhay nagpikpik sa ákung abága, S. o. tapped me …

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pukpuk CEBUANO

pukpuk v {1} [AN; ac] pound with the fist or s.t. held in the fist, not necessarily with force. Mipukpuk …

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wásay n large axe. () v [A13; a1] cut or chop with an axe. Kawatan puy nagwasay sa aparadur arun …

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