"Kulihiyu" is a word in CEBUANO

kulihiyu CEBUANO

kulihiyu, kulihíyu n college or lower grade a?
liated with a col-lege.
iliktural n polling place where voters cast their votes in an election.

Few words of positivity

Great art is never produced for its own sake. It is too difficult to be worth the effort.

Robert Quillen

Laugh your heart out.

Detective: Why did you dump those vegetables on my desk?Criminal: You said it was time to spill the beans.

babaen ILOKANO

prep. by means of, by the use of, through. Nakapagadalak met laeng iti kolehiyo babaen ti tulong mo. I was …

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Foundation LAW AND LEGAL

The founding or build-ing of a college or hospital. The incorpora-tion or endowment of a college or hospital ls the …

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graduwar CEBUANO

graduwar v {1} [A2; b6] graduate. Abugasíya ang íyang gi-graduwaran, He finished law. {2} pass from one particular stage or …

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kalids CEBUANO

kálids swing n college swing, a k. o. old-fashioned permanent wave where the hair is cut up to the nape …

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kalids CEBUANO

kálids n {1} college. {2} one in college. Kálids ka na? Kabátà pa gud nímu! Are you already in college? …

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kampus CEBUANO

kampus n campus, the grounds of a school or college.

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karbun CEBUANO

karbun, karbn n largest public market in Cebu City. paN-v [A2; c6] go shopping at the Carbon market. Mangarbun mi …

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pron. my: the enclitic possessive of SIAK. --var. -K (after a vowel). KOBER [kobεr; f. Eng.], n, cover (of a …

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kulihiyala CEBUANO

kulihiyála n a student in an exclusive girls high school or college. v [B156; a12] be, become a student in …

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Osteopathy LAW AND LEGAL

A method or system of treating various diseases of the human body without the use of drugs, by manipulation applied …

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primiru CEBUANO

primíru n {1} first, firstly. Daghan kug balayran: primíru, ang iskuylahan, sunud, ang kasíra, I have lots of payments to …

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prupisur CEBUANO

prupisur n {1} teacher at an institution of higher learning. {2} music or art teacher. v [B156; c1] become a …

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ságul v {1} [AC; ab2] mix s.t. with s.t. else, be mixed. Kin-say nagságul ug asin áring asúkar? Who mixed …

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sigundu CEBUANO

sigundu n {1} second to perform in group games performed by players in a series. {2} second, one-sixtieth of a …

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síkan n {1} second in rank, prize, sequence. Akuy síkan, bayinti ang ákung prayis, I was the second. I got …

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tungha CEBUANO

tunghà v {1} [A2; b6] appear. May kumíta nga mitunghà sa lán-git, A comet appeared in the sky. Gitungháan siyag …

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tunub v {1} [A; b] step on. Nagtunub ka sa ákung prupyi-dad, You are stepping on my property. Ayawg tumbi …

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