"Kukuada" is a word in ILOKANO

kukuada ILOKANO

pron. theirs; their property; their own: the full possessive of ISUDA. --var. KUADA.

Few words of positivity

You see, Dr. Sherrington,' the devil said, 'we are more alike than you think.' He got up again on all fours looking in the direction of the voice. It was time to face the devil.

Lawren Leo, Love's Shadow: Nine Crooked Paths

Laugh your heart out.

What do polar bears have for lunch ? Ice burger !

kukuak ILOKANO

pron. mine, my property, my own: the full possessive of SIAK. --var. KUAK.

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kukuam ILOKANO

pron. yours (sg.), your property, your own: the full possessive of SIKA. --var. KUAM.

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kukuami ILOKANO

pron. ours (excl.), our (excl.) property, our (excl.) own: the full possessive of DAKAMI. --var. KUAMI.

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kukuana ILOKANO

pron. his, hers; his or her property; his or her own: the full possessive of ISU. --var. KUANA.

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kukuata ILOKANO

pron. ours, yours (sg.) and mine, your (sg.) and my property, your (sg.) and my own: the full possessive of …

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kukuatayo ILOKANO

pron. ours (incl.), our (incl.) property, our (incl.) own: the full possessive of DATAYO. --var. KUATAYO.

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kukuayo ILOKANO

pron. yours (pl.), your (pl.) property, your (pl.) own: the full possessive of DAKAYO. --var. KUAYO.

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