"Krusipiho" is a word in HILIGAYNON

krusipiho HILIGAYNON

krusipího - (Sp. crucifijo) Crucifix.

Few words of positivity

I wonder why people so commonly suppose that if two individuals are both writers they must therefore be hugely congenial," said Anne, rather scornfully. "Nobody would expect two blacksmiths to be violently attracted toward each other merely because they were both blacksmiths.

L.M. Montgomery

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I'm a nit Will you get out of my hair !


n. family, a household, Naimbag nga pagtuladan ti kaman da. Their family is a good model or example.

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gangay CEBUANO

gangay v {1} [A; a] broil peeled bananas over live coals. Gan-gayun ku ning sagínga, Ill broil this banana. {2} …

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To cause to remain in a given situation or condition; to maintain unchanged; to hold or preserve in any state …

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measly ENGLISH

Containing larval tapeworms; -- said of pork and beef.

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makahaladluk HILIGAYNON

makahaládluk - (H) See makahahádluk.

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low-spirited ENGLISH

Deficient in animation and courage; dejected; depressed; not sprightly.

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importunely ENGLISH

In an importune manner.

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To be expedient.

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parting ENGLISH

Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae.

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sickish ENGLISH

Somewhat sick or diseased.

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nagging ENGLISH

Fault-finding; teasing; persistently annoying; as, a nagging toothache.

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tiligaylohan HILIGAYNON

tiligaylóhan - A person to whom, a thing for which, something or an equivalent is due in return. (cf. tigáylo, …

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rinker ENGLISH

One who skates at a rink.

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low-studded ENGLISH

Furnished or built with short studs; as, a low-studded house or room.

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disleal ENGLISH

Disloyal; perfidious.

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harlequin ENGLISH

Toremove or conjure away, as by a harlequin's trick.

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eudemonics ENGLISH

Alt. of Eudaemonics

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inhibition ENGLISH

A stopping or checking of an already present action; a restraining of the function of an organ, or an agent, …

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A term applied to any one of the three canals of the cochlea.

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