"Koloskos" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kolóskos - A primitive brush made of half
a coconut-husk with the shell removed and
used especially for brushing yarn previous
to weaving. (kúskus). Also: to rub rather
violently, brush.

Few words of positivity

I lie about lying, which means I can lie


Laugh your heart out.

A guy driving a truck in the middle of nowhere picks up a hitch-hiker.It gets dark and the hitch-hiker falls asleep. Suddenly bang, and thehitch-hiker wakes up,"what the hell was that?". The truck driverreplies, "some kinda animal, go back to sleep."Further the same thing again, bang, "What the hell was that?","some kinda animal again."Further into the night, bang, bang, bang, "What the hell was that?","Some bastard!". "How terrible",says the hitch-hiker, "but there were3 bangs"The truck driver replies, "Yeah, well I had to go through two fencesto get the bastard. . ."

nucleolus ENGLISH

A small rounded body contained in the nucleus of a cell or a protozoan.

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compinge ENGLISH

To compress; to shut up.

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gilinhaw-an HILIGAYNON

gilinháw-an - The windpipe, trachea. (cf. ginháwa).

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subversionary ENGLISH

Promoting destruction.

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At the present time; at this moment; at the time of speaking; instantly; as, I will write now.

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radical ENGLISH

Specifically, a group of two or more atoms, not completely saturated, which are so linked that their union implies certain …

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topography ENGLISH

The description of a particular place, town, manor, parish, or tract of land; especially, the exact and scientific delineation and …

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dumagsa CEBUANO

dumagsà see dagsà.

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Nullius In Bonis LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. Among the property of no person

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palamlam ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to give a bit of (something). Saan na kami nga pulos pinalamlaman ti mangga da. He did not …

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dexter ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or situated on, the right hand; right, as opposed to sinister, or left.

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dispirada CEBUANO

dispiráda = dispirádu (female).

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nightcap ENGLISH

A potion of spirit drank at bedtime.

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kambid, kambid HILIGAYNON

kambíd, kámbid - To twist round the legs or feet as in wrestling, etc. Kambirí (—idí) siá. Entwine your legs …

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trichromatic ENGLISH

Having or existing in three different phases of color; having three distinct color varieties; -- said of certain birds and …

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under-garment ENGLISH

A garment worn below another.

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mackle ENGLISH

To blur, or be blurred, in printing, as if there were a double impression.

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English: v. jump Tagalog: talon

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