"Kolas-Kolas" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kolas-kolas HILIGAYNON

kolás-kólas - Dim. and Freq. of kólas.
Ginapakoláskólas sang hángin ang mga
kawáyan. The wind is stirring and rustling
the bamboos. Nagakoláskólas silá dirâ.
They are rather noisy over there. (cf.
hulághúlag, gahúdgáhud, litóklitók, etc.).

Few words of positivity

When you say fair, Samantha,” said Mr Green through a peculiar smile, “do you mean one of those travelling fleets of vehicles that arrive and set up things like spinning Waltzers and Big Wheels and all manner of machines that whizz people around in circles and up and down and from side to side? Machines that could...” Mr Green turned away and his unnatural smile became even more unsettling... “easily go wrong!

Mark Gorton, The Utterly Amazing BUMBLING-BOY VS. THE GREEN BOGEY: To bee or not to bee, that is the question

Laugh your heart out.

What's the most wicked thing a group of young accountants can do?Go into town and gang-audit someone.

zoophagous ENGLISH

Feeding on animals.

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huthut CEBUANO

huthut n {1} the coo of the turtledove or imitation of such a sound. {2} barking of a dog. v …

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assession ENGLISH

A sitting beside or near.

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Applied to a kind of variegated glass beads of ancient manufacture; as, aggry beads are found in Ashantee and Fantee …

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splinter ENGLISH

To become split into long pieces.

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ventouse ENGLISH

A cupping glass.

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rugged ENGLISH

Harsh; hard; crabbed; austere; -- said of temper, character, and the like, or of persons.

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pron. to, toward, from, with, etc. you (sg.): the oblique of SIKA. --var. KANYAM. KENKUA-, a prefix that combines with …

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antagonist ENGLISH

A medicine which opposes the action of another medicine or of a poison when absorbed into the blood or tissues.

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nasi- - See nasig-.

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hothouse ENGLISH

A brothel; a bagnio.

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corrupt ENGLISH

To change from a sound to a putrid or putrescent state; to make putrid; to putrefy.

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To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.

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personal ENGLISH

Relating to an individual, his character, conduct, motives, or private affairs, in an invidious and offensive manner; as, personal reflections …

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In mercantlle law. one to whom a consignment is made. The person to whom goods are shipped for sale. Lyon …

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To strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot; as, a horse kicks a groom; a man kicks a dog.

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