"Kodkodan" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kodkódan - A grater, shredder, scraper,
scoop, any tool or instrument used for the
action of "kódkod.”
kodkóran, (H) See kodkódan.

Few words of positivity

A wise and an understanding heart.


Laugh your heart out.

George W. Bush is seen crossing the Potomac river on foot.The Washington Post : "President Bush crosses the Potomac River".The Washington Time : "Bush's conservative approach saves taxpayers a boat".Mother Jones : "Bush can't swim".

parlando ENGLISH

Alt. of Parlante

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foster ENGLISH

Relating to nourishment; affording, receiving, or sharing nourishment or nurture; -- applied to father, mother, child, brother, etc., to indicate …

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sulong TAGALOG

sulong1 Definition: (intj) go ahead; go away; push forward; scram

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álom - (H) A mole, a small, black (or even white) spot or pimple, never larger than a wart. It …

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seductress ENGLISH

A woman who seduces.

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armenian ENGLISH

A native or one of the people of Armenia; also, the language of the Armenians.

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A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly …

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asparagus ENGLISH

The young and tender shoots of A. officinalis, which form a valuable and well-known article of food.

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bilhad CEBUANO

bilhad v [A; a12] pull two vertical things apart. Bilhára ang birha arun makalusut ta, Pull the railings apart so …

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pediculus ENGLISH

A genus of wingless parasitic Hemiptera, including the common lice of man. See Louse.

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awakening ENGLISH

Rousing from sleep, in a natural or a figurative sense; rousing into activity; exciting; as, the awakening city; an awakening …

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To look at; to turn the eyes toward.

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reexamine ENGLISH

To examine anew.

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bargain ENGLISH

To transfer for a consideration; to barter; to trade; as, to bargain one horse for another.

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Writing; document; scroll.

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kunkun CEBUANO

kunkun v [AN; b] rinse the hair and scalp with s.t. Magkunkun kug suwà human ug kalígù, Ill rinse my …

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Want of effect, or of power to produce the effect; inefficacy.

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ribaldry ENGLISH

The talk of a ribald; low, vulgar language; indecency; obscenity; lewdness; -- now chiefly applied to indecent language, but formerly, …

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causative ENGLISH

A word which expresses or suggests a cause.

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orthodoxy ENGLISH

By extension, said of any correct doctrine or belief.

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