"Klasmit" is a word in CEBUANO

klasmit CEBUANO

klasmit n {1} classmate.
{2} people who have similar defects, sicknesses (colloquial).
Náa rang ímung klasmit u, nga hubákun sad, Here comes your classmate.
He is asthmatic, too.
v [A12C; ac3] be classmates.
Nakaklasmit kug púlus bráyit, I had nothing but bright students as classmates.
Nagkaklasmit mi sa Ingglis, We were classmates in English.

Few words of positivity

Act, think, do, according to your truth, according to who you are, and who you want to be. Congruency matters. How can you escape when you betray your heart, your passion, your needs and your mind? There is no hiding. It will eat you alive. Even if it is difficult, even if it may seem impossible, stay true to yourself. No one can live this life but you. If you live your life solely for others but never for yourself, you will impair your ability to truly help others. Whatever is within us always seeps out through our words, actions and behaviour. If we sabotage ourselves by doing what we may think we are supposed to, according to others but not according to our own hearts, what will our children and loved ones think? What are we showing the world when we betray our very nature? Will others think this is an act of love or self-love? Worse still if others then attempt to mimic it and do the same. Would you want your child deeply unhappy because they were following what they thought they had to, what was expected? If you wouldn't wish that for your child, then don't wish it for yourself either. Be just as loving and caring to yourself as you would be to those you love the most. Learn to love yourself enough to allow yourself to dream, explore, follow your passions, and even risk failure. Follow the truths that are carried within the heart of your soul.

Akiroq Brost

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the lady's hair angry?Because she was always teasing it.

yagayaga CEBUANO

yagàyagà v {1} [A; b6(1)] ridicule, make fun of s. o. Isumbung sa maistra ang muyagàyagà sa bakul ninyung klasmit, …

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