"Kisum" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


kisúm - (B) See kisóm.


kisum a for toddy to be sour.
v [B; a] become sour.

Few words of positivity

In lieu of fixating upon details of our life which can lead to sadness or madness, we achieve an enhanced perspective regarding the perplexity haunting our being by thinking abstractedly, a process that allows us to discern the essential principles of life.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Laugh your heart out.

Lawyer: "Let me give you my honest opinion."Client: "No, no. I'm paying for professional advice."

alimuut CEBUANO

alimúut (from púut) a confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is …

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aslum a {1} sour. {2} cross, sour in facial expression. v {1} [B; a12] be, become sour. Way kaláki ang …

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banghaw CEBUANO

banghaw a having the sour smell which develops in cooking starches which are waterlogged, e. g. , corn which has …

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karmilu CEBUANO

karmílu = karamílu. karmin n {1} the Virgin of Mount Carmel. {2} badge worn by Carmelite nuns and devotees. {3} …

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kisóm - (B) Sour; to be or become sour. Nakisomán akó siníng ísdà, kay napatáman (natám-an) sing lánggaw. I find …

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kusbat CEBUANO

kusbat {1} in a mess, disorder. Kusbat kaáyu ang ímung buhuk kay wà nímu bubhúig brilyantin, Your hair is a …

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lákad v {1} [A; a] step over s.t. Dílì ku makalákad sa kanal kay pinsil ang ákung palda, I cannot …

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makisúm - (B) Sour, acidulous, acrid, acerb. (cf. kisúm, maáslum).

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ngilngig CEBUANO

ngilngig a {1} gruesome, stirring revulsion. Ngilngig tan-áwun ang naligsan, The man who was run over by a truck was …

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pan-us CEBUANO

pan-us a for food, wash, or the body to get a rancid smell from having been wet and not allowed …

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paunga-unga HILIGAYNON

paungá-únga - (B) To do to one’s heart’s content, do as one pleases. Nagapaungáúnga gid siá sang káon sing páhò. …

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pyangut CEBUANO

pyangut a having a look of distaste on the face. Pyangut ang íyang dagway kay gibahuan siya, He has a …

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Not changed from a sound or wholesome state. Specifically: (a) Not sour; as, sweet milk or bread. (b) Not state; …

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