"Kiapo" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kiápò - Dead branches and roots, driftwood, weeds, debris, rubbish piled up or
swept along by a current of water; dry
stalks of sugar-cane. (cf. siápò—Bagasse).

Few words of positivity

Only hinted at in some of these tales, and clearly stated in others, it is apparent that there was a long and continuing conflict between paganism and Christianity in the early centuries A.D. This may also be the explanation behind other well creation tales, such as the slaying by St Barry of a 'great serpent' in County Roscommon. The saint thrust his crozier at it before it disappeared into Lough Lagan, and where his knee touched the ground, a holy well, Tobar Barry, sprang up. Although the serpent may represent paganism, and the saint's victory is therefore the victory of Christianity over paganism, we cannot entirely ignore the possibility that some of the serpents in similar Irish tales may have been real water monsters, which are still seen from time to time in the lakes of Ireland and Scotland. These eerie, ugly monsters, with their aura of primeval mystery, appropriately symbolize the uncouth savagery which the Christians attributed to all non-Christian beliefs; but that is not to say that the monsters were totally symbolic and did not have a reality of their own.

Colin Bord, Sacred Waters

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Who is the Lone Aardvark's faithful Indian companion?Tanto

hunhun CEBUANO

hunhun v {1} [A3P; c1] pull down s.t. which wraps or encloses s.t. Duha ka táwu ang nagpugung sa íyang …

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tumbaga CEBUANO

tumbága n {1} copper or a copper alloy that is still copper-colored. {2} = amurádu. -in- {1} = amurádu. {2} …

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A blow as with a club; a heavy blow.

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The act of sensualizing, or the state of being sensualized.

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sungkitâ - To meet, come together; collide, knock against; to merge, amalgamate. (cf. súngkit, sulungkitáan).

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pasípraw - (B) Caus. of sípraw—to cast or steal a glance at, see accidentally. (cf. pasíplat).

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darisay ILOKANO

v. /NA-/ of good quality, pure, clear: said of th. climate air, etc.

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warble ENGLISH

A small tumor produced by the larvae of the gadfly in the backs of horses, cattle, etc. Called also warblet, …

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sultip ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to whistle. /MANG-:-AN/ to whistle at, to call by whistling.

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mamulayon HILIGAYNON

mamulayón - Disparaging, carping, captious, fault-finding, hypercritical, finding fault with, an adverse critic, faultfinder. (cf. múlay).

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suppose ENGLISH
tripa, tripas HILIGAYNON

trípa, trípas - (Sp. tripa) Intestine, gut, bowels, viscera. (cf. tinái, kasúdlan).

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blushet ENGLISH

haum a {1} fitting well. Haum kaáyu ang ímung sinínà sa ímung láwas, Your dress fits you well. {2} fitting, …

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To call or direct, as a crew, by the boatswain's whistle.

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A writ, addressed to a bishop, charging him not to molest a clerk employed ln the royal servlce, by reason …

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máma - Wet nurse. See mamá.

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parapleura ENGLISH

A chitinous piece between the metasternum and the pleuron of certain insects.

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pastorless ENGLISH

Having no pastor.

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Ex Debito Justttue LAW AND LEGAL

From or as a debt of justice; ln accordance with the re-qulrement of justice; of right; as a matter of …

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