"Kasina" is a word in WARAY, HILIGAYNON

kasina WARAY

Kasina - anger


kasína - To fool, cheat, play a trick to. Dílì
mo pagkasináhan ang ímo isigkatáo.
Don’t cheat your neighbour. (cf. dáyà,
límbong, lág-it).

Few words of positivity

There's a Drunk Midget in My HouseAh, babies! They're more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts. Like most people who have had one baby, I am an expert on everythiing and will tell you, unsolicited, how to raise your kid!

Tina Fey, Bossypants

Laugh your heart out.

From a Southwest Airlines employee.... "Welcome aboard Southwest Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seatbelt, and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more.

prayingly ENGLISH

With supplication to God.

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The first three letters of the alphabet, used for the whole alphabet.

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through ENGLISH

From one end or side to the other; as, to pierce a thing through.

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Comperuit Ad Diem LAW AND LEGAL

In practlce. A plea in an action of debt on a bail bond that the defendant appeared at the day …

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distributive ENGLISH

Tending to distribute; serving to divide and assign in portions; dealing to each his proper share.

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breath ENGLISH

The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; air which, in the process of respiration, has parted with oxygen and has …

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káma - (Sp. cama) Bed, couch. (cf. higdáan, higdaanán, balatángan).

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piraso TAGALOG

piraso1 Definition: (noun) a piece

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aviseful ENGLISH

Watchful; circumspect.

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A promontory; a cape; a headland.

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urtikarya CEBUANO

urtikarya n hives. Tambal kini sa sakit sa pánit ug sa urtikarya, This is a treatment for skin diseases and …

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lophopoda ENGLISH

Same as Phylactolemata.

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outgush ENGLISH

A pouring out; an outburst.

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grudge ENGLISH

Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel.

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Fig.: That which supplies strength or power.

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kutsu n k. o. womens slipper, made of thick soles and solid cloth or leather end. v [A1; c6] wear …

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