"Kasayoran" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kasayoran HILIGAYNON

kasayóran - (H) Explanation, exposition,
elucidation, explication, meaning,
interpretation; knowledge, understanding.
(sáyod; cf. kasaysáyan).

Few words of positivity

To develop understanding and compassion for who we are as introverts, we must be able to explore who we are, what makes us happy, what makes us unhappy, and what oursubsequent needs are.

Aletheia Luna, Quiet Strength: Embracing, Empowering and Honoring Yourself as an Introvert

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why did the blonde get so excited when she finished the jigsaw puzzle after only 6 months?A. Because on the box it said: From 2-4 years.


kasáyran - (H) See kasayóran.

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kasayranan HILIGAYNON

kasayránan - (H) See kasayóran.

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