"Kasay-Kasay" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kasay-kasay HILIGAYNON

kasáy-kásay - To recuperate, recover, get
slowly better and stronger, improve in
health and strength after an illness, be
convalescent, convalesce. Nagakasáykásay
na ang masakít nga bátà. The sick boy is

now slowly recuperating, (improving,
moving about again).

Few words of positivity

Happiness comes from within a man from some curious adjustment to life.

Hugh Walpole

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why do blondes have more fun?A. They are easier to keep amused.

misbegot ENGLISH

Alt. of Misbegotten

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axinite ENGLISH

A borosilicate of alumina, iron, and lime, commonly found in glassy, brown crystals with acute edges.

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squander ENGLISH

The act of squandering; waste.

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páng-os - To bite or gnaw off bit by bit (piece by piece), especially applied to nibbling sugar-cane stalks. Pang-osá …

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karat v [B; c1] for a top to keep jumping about instead of spinning steadily. Mukarat (makarat) ang ímung kasing …

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A pigment. See India ink, under India.

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pteropodous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Pteropoda.

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busug-busugan HILIGAYNON

busug-busugán - The calf of the leg. (cf. batíis, pusupusuán.

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heirless ENGLISH

Destitute of an heir.

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pinaster ENGLISH

A species of pine (Pinus Pinaster) growing in Southern Europe.

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ayis-ayis CEBUANO

ayis-ayis v {1} [AC; a1] flirt with the eyes. Maistra man diay tung ákung giayis-aysan, I just found out that …

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hamúok - Sweet, delicious, balmy, profound, sound, deep, (said of sleep). Hamúok gid ang ákon katulúgon kagáb-i. Last night I …

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kahulúng - Shadow, shade, shadiness, umbrageousness, condition of plants, etc., that receive little sunlight. (hulúng).

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sulphuric ENGLISH

Derived from, or containing, sulphur; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence as contrasted with …

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To extend; to pass or open; as, the path issues into the highway.

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A thicket; a small wood or grove.

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dipper ENGLISH

The American dipper or ouzel (Cinclus Mexicanus).

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partner ENGLISH

A framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, …

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