"Kasakit" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kasákit - Grief, mourning, pain, sorrow,
affliction, woe, heartache, unhappiness,
infelicity, anguish, pang, agony, interior or
spiritual suffering, dolour, dolor. (cf. sákit).
kasakít. Pain, painfulness, suffering,
pang, anguish, agony, torture, torment,
ache, smart, bodily illness, injury or
ailment. (cf. sakít).

kasakítan, See kasákit. Also: Troubles,
worries, anxieties, trials, ordeals, crosses,
mental sufferings.

Few words of positivity

Magic is in her just as it is in Dickon," said Colin. "It makes her think of ways to do things - nice things.

Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Laugh your heart out.

Chicken to turkey: "Only Thanksgiving and Christmas???You're lucky, with us it's any Sunday."

aneurismal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an aneurism; as, an aneurismal tumor; aneurismal diathesis.

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alabaster ENGLISH

A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of fine texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, …

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mazard ENGLISH

To knock on the head.

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kabáy - The Visayan name for the month of June. (cf. húnyo).

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durar v [A; a] plated with metal. durádu a plated. Durádug pláta, Silver plated.

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gratification ENGLISH

That which affords pleasure; satisfaction; enjoyment; fruition: delight.

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Small or portable articles for dress, furniture, or use; goods; luggage; things.

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renderer ENGLISH

One who renders.

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greenly ENGLISH

Of a green color.

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bugtas CEBUANO

bugtas v [B126; a] for string or stitches to snap, break suddenly. Nabugtas ang báat sa pakíti, The string of …

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pasikal ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to have labor pains.

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waya-waya HILIGAYNON

wayá-wayá - Scum, the film that forms on liquids like vinegar, pickles, canned (bottled) fruit, etc. (cf. kútap, kúlap, latáb).

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upland ENGLISH

The country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of towns.

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arthrogastra ENGLISH

A division of the Arachnida, having the abdomen annulated, including the scorpions, harvestmen, etc.; pedipalpi.

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glaucophane ENGLISH

A mineral of a dark bluish color, related to amphibole. It is characteristic of certain crystalline rocks.

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A tool for smoothing boards or other surfaces of wood, for forming moldings, etc. It consists of a smooth-soled stock, …

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The operation of supersaturating, or the state of being supersaturated.

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dextrer ENGLISH

A war horse; a destrer.

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