"Kapyaspirina" is a word in CEBUANO

kapyaspirina CEBUANO

kapyaspirína = kapi aspirína.

Few words of positivity

Procrastination is a way of living in the past instead of the present moment.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Caller: My goodness, Operator! Your nose is so stuffed up, I can't understand you. You should really take something for that cold. Operator: Good idea. I'll take the rest of the day off!

mastax ENGLISH

The lore of a bird.

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obligado TAGALOG

obligado Definition: (adj) obliged; forced

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assiduate ENGLISH

Unremitting; assiduous.

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purrificatory ENGLISH

Serving or tending to purify; purificative.

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Infra Annum Luctus LAW AND LEGAL

(within the year of mourning.) The phrase Is used ln

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subang CEBUANO

subang v {1} [A; b8] for heavenly bodies to rise. Pagsalup sa adlaw misubang ang daktul, When the sun set, …

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hystricine ENGLISH

Like or pertaining to the porcupines.

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fippenny bit ENGLISH

The Spanish half real, or one sixteenth of a dollar, -- so called in Pennsylvania and the adjacent States.

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sweepwasher ENGLISH

One who extracts the residuum of precious metals from the sweepings, potsherds, etc., of refineries of gold and silver, or …

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pursing ILOKANO

v. /MA-/ to be broken off, to be severed. Mapursing ta aputan ti payong ko. The handle of my umbrella …

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rabanít - Old and useless, torn, bad, rotten, ragged, worn into rags or tatters, tattered. Rabanít nga báyò, delárgo, pányò, …

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lamawan, lamawan HILIGAYNON

lamawán, lamáwan - A pit or pool, where offal, dishwater, etc. are usually disposed of (as near a kitchen); kitchensink. …

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windiness ENGLISH

Tendency to generate wind or gas; tendency to produce flatulence; as, the windiness of vegetables.

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Work And Labor LAW AND LEGAL

The name of one of the common counts ln actions of assumpsit, being for work and labor done and materials …

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Judges in the Isle of Man, tvho decide all controversies without process, writings, or any charges. These judges are chosen …

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Any hue distinguished from white or black.

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hornbeak ENGLISH

A fish. See Hornfish.

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staminate ENGLISH

To indue with stamina.

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blennioid ENGLISH

Alt. of Blenniid

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