"Kaputol" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kapútol - A kind of maize with black and
white kernels mixed on the same cob.

Few words of positivity

He wasn’t a pretty boy, his nose was crooked and his grin lopsided, but he had that square-jawed, salt-of-the-earth handsome look that made a girl think of loose-hipped cowboys and demanding Scottish Lairds. And speaking of Scottish Lairds, old mate was a redhead. Usually gingers weren’t her scene but this guy’s hair was the rich coppery-auburn of a fox's pelt. It gleamed like rose gold under the floodlights, his short beard the exact colour as the stuff on his head. Big Red was doing it for her. Big time. And apparently, the feeling was mutual.

Eve Dangerfield, Open Hearts

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a parrot when it has dried itself after a bath? Polly unsaturated!


Penurious; stingy; close-fisted; illiberal; as, mean hospitality.

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túbuy v {1} [A; c16] hold, put upward and above the rest. Makatúbuy ku ánang barbil, I can raise that …

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alumina ENGLISH

One of the earths, consisting of two parts of aluminium and three of oxygen, Al2O3.

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wicopy ENGLISH

See Leatherwood.

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thick-winded ENGLISH

Affected with thick wind.

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kulyápis - See kuliápis-thin.

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The flux; dysentery.

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bibirun CEBUANO

bibirun v {3} [A13] for a grown person to behave with childlike immaturity and dependence. Unsa, nagbibirun ka pa nga …

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nempne ENGLISH

To name or call.

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atmospheric ENGLISH

Alt. of Atmospherical

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salawahan TAGALOG

salawahan Definition: (adj) fickle

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disgrace ENGLISH

To do disfavor to; to bring reproach or shame upon; to dishonor; to treat or cover with ignominy; to lower …

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excitement ENGLISH

That which excites or rouses; that which moves, stirs, or induces action; a motive.

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calorific ENGLISH

Possessing the quality of producing heat; heating.

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idibul CEBUANO

idibul n cooking oil. úwil = idibul.

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androgyne ENGLISH

An androgynous plant.

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cardinalize ENGLISH

To exalt to the office of a cardinal.

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igíik v [B235; c] creak, squeak, squeal. Miigíik ang sira kay tayaun, The door creaked because it was rusty. Nag-igiik …

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issuance ENGLISH

The act of issuing, or giving out; as, the issuance of an order; the issuance of rations, and the like.

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