"Kapinteru" is a word in CHAVACANO

kapinteru CHAVACANO

English: carpenter
Tagalog: anluwage (karpentero)

Few words of positivity

There is nothing loving about encouraging fear. Nothing. Fear leads to darkness, depression, anger, irrationality, anxiety, consternation, unrest, and ultimately, destruction. Fear, as Yoda reminds us all, is the path to the Dark Side. Fear is a weapon, not a productive tool. Fear is a means of control. Fear should never be the basis for why anyone does anything regarding the health of the mind, body, and spirit.

Michael Vito Tosto, Portrait of an Infidel: The Acerbic Account of How a Passionate Christian Became an Ardent Atheist

Laugh your heart out.

A man walks into a bar and orders a shot then looks into his pocket. he does this over and over again. finally the bartender asks why he orders a shot and after drinking it he looks into his pocket. the man responded " i have a picture of my wife in there and when she starts to look good then i'll go home."

mapinadayunon HILIGAYNON

mapinadayúnon - Lasting, enduring, permanent, constant, persevering. (cf. dáyon).

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aberration ENGLISH

The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one and the same …

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blemishless ENGLISH

Without blemish; spotless.

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torqued ENGLISH

Twisted; bent; -- said of a dolphin haurient, which forms a figure like the letter S.

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cudgel ENGLISH

To beat with a cudgel.

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ducking ENGLISH

n. & a., from Duck, v. t. & i.

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balis-konde CHAVACANO

English: hiding place; the game of hide and seek Tagalog: taguan

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ngúsul - (B) To repent, be penitent, be contrite or repentant, to rue, feel compunction or remorse, to regret, be …

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ukón - For ó kon—or. Ukón——ukón—. Either——or. Ambót kon amó iní ukón inâ. I don’t know whether it is this …

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The state or quality of being extrinsic.

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Matter fatal or injurious to life; poison; particularly, the poisonous, the poisonous matter which certain animals, such as serpents, scorpions, …

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bagpiper ENGLISH

One who plays on a bagpipe; a piper.

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emphatical ENGLISH

Uttered with emphasis; made prominent and impressive by a peculiar stress of voice; laying stress; deserving of stress or emphasis; …

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astonishment ENGLISH

The condition of one who is stunned. Hence: Numbness; loss of sensation; stupor; loss of sense.

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rikadu CEBUANO

rikádu n spices. v [A; c] spice food. Dì ku murikádu ug luy-a sa tinúlang isdà, I dont put ginger …

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stitch ENGLISH

A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made.

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embúste - (Sp. embuste) Fib, lie, fiction, artful tale, fraud, imposition, cheating. (cf. butíg, dáyà, límbong, balíbad, lág-it, agóng, pasúnì, …

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kagung CEBUANO

kagung v [AN] {1} make a hollow sound when empty. {2} be empty, as if producing such a hollow sound. …

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grunter ENGLISH

A hook used in lifting a crucible.

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