"Kapahamakan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kapahamakan HILIGAYNON

kapahamákan - Low or mean station
(position); low estimate, contempt,
contemptibility, despicableness. (cf.
hámak, pahámak).

Few words of positivity

If you are not in good terms with the one who sent you, you can’t have the right direction to the errands he wants to send you for. Be in good talking terms with God; pray without ceasing!

Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Laugh your heart out.

A hindu priest, rabbi and a lawyer were driving down the road, when the car breaks down. Fortunately finding a farmhouse nearby, the farmer informed them that he had only one spare room, and that it had only two twin beds.They were welcome to it, but one of them had to sleep in the barn. After much discussion, the hindu volunteered to go to the barn. A few moments later, a knock on the bedroom door, and the hidu explained that there was a cow in the barn, and cows are sacred and he could not possibly sleep in the barn with a cow.Annoyed, the rabbi volunteered. A few moments later, a knock on the door. The rabbi explained that there was a pig in the barn and that he, being very orthodox, could not possibly spend the evening in the barn with the origin of pork.Finally the lawyer said that he would go to the barn. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. It was the cow and the p ig!

gonorrhea ENGLISH

Alt. of Gonorrhoea

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turóng - To upturn, turn up (one’s eyes); to shut (close) the eyes in death. (cf. dorós, sulíp).

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scaling ENGLISH

Adapted for removing scales, as from a fish; as, a scaling knife; adapted for removing scale, as from the interior …

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pokíto - (Sp. poco, poquito) A little, rather little. (cf. diótay, isót, piripiási).

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define ENGLISH

To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; …

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kulámi - To sneak, to take away by stealth, filch, purloin, appropriate secretly. Sín-o ang nagkulámi sang ákon líbro? Who …

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bukál - Bubble, froth, foam; to seethe, bubble, froth, boil. Nagabukál na ang túbig. The water is boiling. Sa tiémpo …

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Like a drone; sluggish; lazy.

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causticness ENGLISH

The quality of being caustic; causticity.

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See Mayhem; Maim

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diazo- ENGLISH

A combining form (also used adjectively), meaning pertaining to, or derived from, a series of compounds containing a radical of …

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To drive with a puff, or with puffs.

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One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.

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risintr CEBUANO

risintr v [A; c] resent. Dílì ta murisintr ug tagáan ug mga maáyung tambag, We should not resent it when …

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conformity ENGLISH

Correspondence in form, manner, or character; resemblance; agreement; congruity; -- followed by to, with, or between.

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lábay - To girdle—, ringbark—, a tree. Labáya ang páhò, agúd maglúmpaw. Ringbark the mango tree so that it may …

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wivern ENGLISH

A fabulous two-legged, winged creature, like a cockatrice, but having the head of a dragon, and without spurs.

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tangtang CEBUANO

tangtang v {1} [AB123; a] take o? , remove s.t. fastened or tied. Tabángi kug tangtang sa yúgu sa kábaw, …

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whiteness ENGLISH

A flock of swans.

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