"Kaniadtu" is a word in CEBUANO

kaniadtu CEBUANO

kaniadtu formerly.
Kaniadtu ang pantalan didtu sa lawis, For-merly the pier was at the point.
n {1} past event.
Nindut handúmun ang átung mga kaniadtu, Its nice to think back on what we used to do years ago.
{2} former sweetheart.
Mi-pahíyum tu níya kay íya man tung kaniadtu, She smiled at him because he was her former sweetheart.
niadtu, adtu short for kaniadtu in all uses but as n.
pa long ago was the first timei.
, [so-and-so] has been since long ago.
Kaniadtu pa aku mamais-tra, Ive been a teacher since way back.
Kaniadtu pa ku kabalità ánà, Ive known about that for ages.
Kaniadtu pa aku makakità sa ingun, That time was the first time I saw the like.

Few words of positivity

Often, vegan advocates assume that a person's defensiveness is the result of selfishness or apathy, when in fact it is much more likely the result of systematic and intensive social conditioning.

Melanie Joy, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism: The Belief System That Enables Us to Eat Some Animals and Not Others

Laugh your heart out.

What business is King Kong in? Monkey business.


adtu {1} short for niadtu. {2} short for kaniadtu. {3} = kadtu (dialectal).

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anut n second growth. v [B13(1)6; b4] become a second-growth forest. Ang kaíngin kaniadtu hápit na pud maanut, What was …

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guwing CEBUANO

gúwing istrit v [B146] go straight, follow the straight and nar-row. Kaniadtu gibuguybugúyan níya ang pag-iskuyla, karun naggúwing istrit na …

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kadtu short form: tu. {1} that (far from speaker and hearer). Kadtung balay sa unáhan kang Husi, That house up …

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kwanggul CEBUANO

kwanggul a lacking common sense. Ngánung wà nímu hanigig panaptun pagplantsa nímu, kwanggúla ka, You idiot! Why didnt you put …

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láwas n {1} body of human or animal. taput the clothes on ones back. Ang ákung nasalbr sa súnug ang …

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lúpig a inferior, outclassed. Lúpig ku siyag ínum, He is no match for me when it comes to drinking. Lúpig …

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niadtu CEBUANO

niadtu {1} see kadtu. {2} = kaniadtu.

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sadtu {1} = niadtu. see kadtu. {2} = kaniadtu (dialectal).

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sagpà v [A; a2b2] slap, strike the face with the open palm. mu rag gi-ug wala deeply insulted (as if …

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tagad v {1} [A; a1] give attention to, mind. Wà na siya mag-tagad sa íyang pangláwas, She stopped paying attention …

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