"Kamrut" is a word in CEBUANO

kamrut CEBUANO

kamrut v [A; a] {1} touch, grab s.t.
with the bare hands.
Ayaw kamrúta kanang atsára kay mapan-us, Dont grab that sauerkraut made from papayas with your bare hands because that will cause it to go bad.
{2} = kamlut.

Few words of positivity

I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.

Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the robber take a bath?So he could make a clean getaway.

operose ENGLISH

Wrought with labor; requiring labor; hence, tedious; wearisome.

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petitionarily ENGLISH

By way of begging the question; by an assumption.

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blanchimeter ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the bleaching power of chloride of lime and potash; a chlorometer.

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geldable ENGLISH

Liable to taxation.

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millinet ENGLISH

A stiff cotton fabric used by milliners for lining bonnets.

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sarap a delicious, said only of food. Kasarap sa sud-an, What delicious food. v [B2; a] for food to be …

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glycogenic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or caused by, glycogen; as, the glycogenic function of the liver.

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batalan TAGALOG

batalan Definition: (noun) rear of barrio house for washing and for storage of water 2 Definition: Notes:

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presidential ENGLISH

Presiding or watching over.

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sekretarya TAGALOG

sekretarya Definition: (noun) secretary 2 Definition: (var) SEKRETARYO

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merienda TAGALOG

merienda1 Definition: (noun) snack

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hós - Shoo, a term used in driving away or dispersing poultry, etc.

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excheator ENGLISH

A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.

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sea snipe ENGLISH

The bellows fish.

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One imbued with a denominational spirit.

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The person who accepts a blll of exchange, (generally the drawee,) or who engages to be primarily responsible for its …

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Something intended or supposed to represent or indicate another thing or an event; a sign; a symbol; as, the rainbow …

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