"Kampilan" is a word in ILOKANO, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO

kampilan ILOKANO

n. sword, saber, cutlass, machete.


kampílan - A large, long kind of sword;
hanger, cutlass.

kampilan CEBUANO

kampílan n k.
long, sharp sword, straight-bladed, with the top sloping down to form a point and having a sharp spike pro-truding from the top side 2 or 3 in the back of the tip.

Few words of positivity

She felt as though she’d found a moment of forever. Like this was how they should’ve always been

Veronica Rossi, Under the Never Sky

Laugh your heart out.

Why do tomcats fight ?Because they like raising a stink !

badung CEBUANO

badung n k. o. long sword made by Muslims.

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n. scabbard, sheath (of knives, swords, etc.)

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bandira CEBUANO

bandíra n {1} flag, banner. {2} s.t. flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun …

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disapiyu CEBUANO

disapíyu v [C; c1] fight a duel with a sword. n duel.

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huyad v [A; c] raise the arms preparatory to striking. Gihuyad níya ang pinútì, He brandished his sword. n action …

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ispada CEBUANO

ispáda n {1} sword. Nagsingkì ang ílang duha ka ispáda, Their two swords clanged against each other. {2} the best …

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kális n k. o. pointed sword, around 1820 long with serrations near the handle. kalísa n a two-wheeled horse drawn …

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kambantuli CEBUANO

kambantulì n a k. o. long sword with a pronounced and a flat end jutting out to a point at …

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kamuning CEBUANO

kamúning n k. o. small tree of the secondary forest and also cul-tivated, furnishing a yellow wood used for canes, …

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kanduwali CEBUANO

kanduwálì n k. o. long, straight sword with a V-shaped indenta-tion at the end. kang dat. marker for proper names. …

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krís n a kris, double-edged sword with a wavy blade. v {1} [A1] wear or use a kris. {2} [A; …

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laring CEBUANO

láring n k. o. sword similar to the kanduwálì but with a slight curve to the blade.

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panday CEBUANO

panday v [AN; a] {1} forge. Walu ka ispáda ang íyang gipan-day, He forged eight swords. {2} build s.t. from …

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píkit v {1} [A; c1] hold s.t. by clipping or joining it in some way. Pikítun (ipíkit) nátù nang ímung …

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putì a {1} white. {1a} in plant description, green varieties of plants that have green varieties and red or brown …

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sab-it ILOKANO

n. hook on which to hang things. v. /MANGI-: I-/ to hang, suspend on a hook. SABLE [f. Sp.], n. …

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saklub CEBUANO

saklub n {1} sheath, holster. {2} wife (humorous). Bisag ásas Timyung uban giyud ang íyang saklub, Wherever Timyong goes his …

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sundang CEBUANO

sundang n bolo, the general name for large knives, machetes, and swords used for heavy cutting work and as weapons. …

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tagingting CEBUANO

tagingting n {1} jingling or clanging sound. {2} resounding, ringing of voice. Tagingting ang mandù sa sultan, The sul-tans command …

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trukis CEBUANO

trúkis v {1} [AC] for two things to cross each others path but not meet; be facing each other but …

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