"Kalkag" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


kálkag - Dried hipon-fish; to become as
dry as dried hipon-fish. Nagkálkag na ang
bagáso. The bagasse has become as dry as
dried hipon-fish, i.e. is quite exsiccated and
brittle or friable.

kalkag CEBUANO

kalkag a for the hair to be disheveled, in disarray.
v [APBN; c1] for hair to become disheveled, cause it to do so.
Ang hángin mauy mikalkag (mipakalkag) sa ákung buhuk, The wind caused my hair to get disheveled.
Panudlay kay mikalkag (nangalkag) nang ímung buhuk, Comb your hair because it is disheveled.

Few words of positivity

I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

Laugh your heart out.

Why did Julius Caesar buy crayons ?He wanted Mark Antony !


búkag - Dishevelled, rumpled, loose, unkempt, shaggy; to be or become dishevelled, etc. Nagabúkag ang ímo bohók. Your hair is …

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bungay-bungay HILIGAYNON

bungáy-búngay - The mane of a horse. bungáyngay, Dishevelled, rumpled, in disorder, disarranged (of hair, etc.). (cf. búkag, burungáyngay).

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buskag CEBUANO

buskag v {1} [AB26; a] undo, untie s.t. , esp. so that the contents spread; for s.t. wrapped or tied …

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dishevel ENGLISH

To suffer (the hair) to hang loosely or disorderly; to spread or throw (the hair) in disorder; -- used chiefly …

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dishevel ENGLISH

To be spread in disorder or hang negligently, as the hair.

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disheveled ENGLISH

Having in loose disorder; disarranged; as, disheveled hair.

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disheveled ENGLISH

Having the hair in loose disorder.

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hapluy CEBUANO

hapluy v [A; a] rub the flat palm over s.t. Naghapluy siya sa palpag níyang buhuk, She is smoothening her …

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huping CEBUANO

húping v {1} [A; a] put long things carefully and neatly together to make a thin flat grouping. Kinsay muhúping …

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kágkag - Dishevelled, rumpled, tousled, in a tangle; to be dishevelled, etc. Nagakágkag ang íya nga bohók. His hair is …

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karung CEBUANO

kárung a disheveled. v [B3; c1] be, become disheveled, become tousled (hair). Human sa áway nagkárung íyang buhuk, After the …

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káy-ag - To spread, scatter; disorder, dishevel. Kay-agón mo silá sing alalángay. Spread them out—equally,— evenly,—in groups of equal size. …

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kayagkag CEBUANO

kayagkag v [B; c1] be in disorder, dishevelled. Mikayagkag ang íyang buhuk sa hángin, Her hair was all in disorder …

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kuspag CEBUANO

kuspag a for the hair to be in disarray. Kuspag pa ang íyang buhuk. Bag-u tingáling nagmata, Her hair was …

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mabúkag - Swelling, rising, bulging, disarranged, dishevelled, in a tangle, said of loose hemp-fibres, wool, hair, etc. (búkag).

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págpag - Dishevelled, disarranged, ruffled, rumpled, in disorder; to be dishevelled, etc. Págpag ang bohók níya— or—nagapágpag ang bohók níya. …

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pagpag CEBUANO

pagpag a for hair to be dishevelled. v {1} [BN; c1] for hair to be dishevelled. Mipagpag (napagpag, namagpag) ang …

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palpag CEBUANO

palpag a disheveled. v [B; c1] be disheveled. Ang íyang buhuk mipalpag tungud sa hilabihang kauga, Her hair was disheveled …

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palungpung CEBUANO

palungpung n cluster or bunch. Misuksuk ang manuk sa palungpung, The chicken hid itself in the cluster of bushes. Palungpung …

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pígkang - Clotted, pasted, glued together; to be clotted, etc. Ang íya bohók gomón kag nagpígkang sang dugô. His hair …

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