"Kalipkip" is a word in ILOKANO

kalipkip ILOKANO

v. /AG-, -UM-/ to climb up, ascend especially a mountain. Narigat ti agkalipkip dita bambantay. It is difficult to climb up those mountains. /MANG-:-EN/ to climb, ascend (a mountain or as if a mountain). Narigat nga kalipkipen dayta nga bantay. It is difficult to climb that mountain.

Few words of positivity

What a marvelous resource soup is for the thrifty cook - it solves the ham-bone and lamb-bone problems, the everlasting Thanksgiving turkey, the extra vegetables.

Julia Child

Laugh your heart out.

Which people do the burgers hate?The ones who are always putting the bite on them!


ángat v [A; ac] go, bring up a hill or place in the hills. Angátun sa mga turista ang bulkan …

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kamas, kamas HILIGAYNON

kámas, kamás - To fight using hands and feet as in wrestling or as horses when fighting, to rear up, …

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luwak, lúwak n the other side of s.t. elevated. Ang ílang dápit luwak niánang bungtúra, Their place is s.w. beyond …

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mountaineer ENGLISH

To lie or act as a mountaineer; to climb mountains.

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táklad - To ascend, climb, clamber, scale, go up-hill, march up an incline, slope, hill, etc. Táklad na kamó. Now, …

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taklid CEBUANO

taklid v [A; a12] pin, tie s. o. s hands behind his back. Gitaklid ang mga dinakpan, The prisoners had …

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tiil n {1} foot. Sakit ang ákung mga tiil, My feet hurt. Lima ka tiil ang gitas-un, Five feet tall. …

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tokád - To ascend, go up an incline, scale, climb a hill, etc. Ang mga bukídnon anád magtokád—or—anád sang tolokádon. …

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tungas CEBUANO

túngas v [A; a] go up a mountain, uphill. Mutúngas ta ánang bakilid, We are going up that slope. Tungásun …

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tungha CEBUANO

tunghà v {1} [A2; b6] appear. May kumíta nga mitunghà sa lán-git, A comet appeared in the sky. Gitungháan siyag …

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