"Kalipkip" is a word in ILOKANO

kalipkip ILOKANO

v. /AG-, -UM-/ to climb up, ascend especially a mountain. Narigat ti agkalipkip dita bambantay. It is difficult to climb up those mountains. /MANG-:-EN/ to climb, ascend (a mountain or as if a mountain). Narigat nga kalipkipen dayta nga bantay. It is difficult to climb that mountain.

Few words of positivity

I grew up believing my sister was from the planet Neptune and had been sent down to Earth to kill me. I believed this because my sister Emily convinced me of it when I was a toddler. I think she'd seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers and her imagination ran away with her. There's a part of me that still believes it.

Zooey Deschanel

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Ari !Ari who ?Ari-S-P-E-C-T !


ángat v [A; ac] go, bring up a hill or place in the hills. Angátun sa mga turista ang bulkan …

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kamas, kamas HILIGAYNON

kámas, kamás - To fight using hands and feet as in wrestling or as horses when fighting, to rear up, …

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luwak, lúwak n the other side of s.t. elevated. Ang ílang dápit luwak niánang bungtúra, Their place is s.w. beyond …

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mountaineer ENGLISH

To lie or act as a mountaineer; to climb mountains.

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táklad - To ascend, climb, clamber, scale, go up-hill, march up an incline, slope, hill, etc. Táklad na kamó. Now, …

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taklid CEBUANO

taklid v [A; a12] pin, tie s. o. s hands behind his back. Gitaklid ang mga dinakpan, The prisoners had …

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tiil n {1} foot. Sakit ang ákung mga tiil, My feet hurt. Lima ka tiil ang gitas-un, Five feet tall. …

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tokád - To ascend, go up an incline, scale, climb a hill, etc. Ang mga bukídnon anád magtokád—or—anád sang tolokádon. …

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tungas CEBUANO

túngas v [A; a] go up a mountain, uphill. Mutúngas ta ánang bakilid, We are going up that slope. Tungásun …

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tungha CEBUANO

tunghà v {1} [A2; b6] appear. May kumíta nga mitunghà sa lán-git, A comet appeared in the sky. Gitungháan siyag …

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