"Kaldu" is a word in CEBUANO


kaldu n {1} soup made by sauteeing meat and spices to which broth has been added.
{2} bowl, cup to hold soup.
v [A1; a] make soup.
kalduhan n tiny cup for chocolate.

Few words of positivity

My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Laugh your heart out.

What's the best way to increase the size of your bank balance? Look at it through a magnifying glass.


asgad a very salty. v [B; a] become salty. Ug asin sa lawlaw iasgad, mudúgang sa lamì ug muasgad gihápun …

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asin n salt. walay without substance, unbelievable. Walay asin ang íyang mga púlung, His words cannot be believed. v {1} …

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áwas v {1} [A2S; b6] for liquid to boil over, spill over the top of a container. Muáwas ang sabaw, …

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báhud v [B2] for wounds to swell and redden. Mibáhud ang íyang núka kay hiinitan man, His wound became swollen …

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bildura CEBUANO

bildúra n vegetables, root crops cooked in stews and soups with meat. v [A; b6(1)] cook vegetables with soup or …

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binignit CEBUANO

binignit n k. o. sweet soup eaten as a snack, made of root crops and bananas cooked in coconut milk …

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bituun CEBUANO

bitúun n {1} star. {2} star in a movie. {3} star-shaped Christ-mas lantern. {4} k. o. tree of strand, the …

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duldug CEBUANO

duldug v [A; c1] squash and mash into fine pieces. Iduldug (duldúga) ang patátas, Mash the potatoes. -in- n {1} …

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gatà n juice squeezed from coconut meat. v [A; b6(1)] cook s.t. with the juice of coconut meat. Gatai ang …

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hapaw v [A; a] {1} take the uppermost layer o? of s.t. Hapawun ku ang síbu sa sabaw, I will …

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hututay CEBUANO

hutútay n k. o. Chinese soup with wanton noodles in it.

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ispisu CEBUANO

ispísu a {1} for liquids to be thick, of great density. Ispísu kaáyung sikwáti kay gidaghan níyag tablíya, The chocolate …

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kaldiyu CEBUANO

kaldíyu n egg drop soup, usually with a fish base but may be made of a di? erent base. v …

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kalus v [A; a] {1} fetch water. Nakakalus na kug pára ikalígù, Ive already fetched water for my bath. {2} …

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kandus CEBUANO

kandus v [A; ab2] scoop up or shovel o? s.t. Mikandus siyag balas sa karumáta, He shoveled sand out of …

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kari dipáta n dish of beef joints and feet with banana bud and eggplants cooked into a thick soup with …

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kúrug v [B2S; ab3(1)] tremble. Mikúrug ang yútà paglínug, The ground shook during the earthquake. Nagkurug ang tín-gug sa kalísang, …

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kutsara CEBUANO

kutsára n tablespoon. Gáwì sa kutsára ug tinidur igkáun nímu, Use a spoon and fork when you eat. v {1} …

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lag-ab CEBUANO

lag-ab v [A; a] drink in large gulps, drink greedily. Adtu na pud sa tubaan. Paglag-ab na pud didtu, Go …

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lagutum CEBUANO

lagutum (from gútum) v [A; bc] eat, feed with root crops and bananas in times of scarcity. Naglagutum mig balanghuy …

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