"Kalang" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


kálang - A covering or protection for
wounds. Also verb: Kalángi ang pilás—
or—butangí sing kálang ang pilás. Put a
covering over the wound.

kalang TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) wedge
Notes: Spanish

kalang CEBUANO

kálang (not without l) n portion of a field which has been plowed at one time.
v [A1; b5] plow a certain portion of the field.
Nakakálang na sila sa katungà sa daruhan, They had already plowed half of the field.
Ang duul sa sapà mauy ákung kalangun (kalangan) pag-úna, Ill clear up the part near the river first.

Few words of positivity

She had been a teenager once, and she knew that, despite the apparent contradictions, a person's teenage years lasted well into their fifties.

Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor I snore so loud I keep myself awakeSleep in another room then!

capitoline ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Capitol in Rome.

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boswellism ENGLISH

The style of Boswell.

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mildew ENGLISH

To taint with mildew.

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tinsmith ENGLISH

One who works in tin; a tinner.

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ambulant ENGLISH

Walking; moving from place to place.

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limicoline ENGLISH

Shore-inhabiting; of or pertaining to the Limicolae.

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infrugiferous ENGLISH

Not bearing fruit; not fructiferous.

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goshawk ENGLISH

Any large hawk of the genus Astur, of which many species and varieties are known. The European (Astur palumbarius) and …

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roughsetter ENGLISH

A mason who builds rough stonework.

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sánaw a for heights to give a dizzy feeling. Pagkasánaw tan-áwun sa ubus, How dizzying it is to look below. …

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diffission ENGLISH

Act of cleaving or splitting.

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mabáhaw - Stale, old, cold, said especially of cooked food. (báhaw).

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quarte ENGLISH

Same as 2d Carte.

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balsamation ENGLISH

The act of imparting balsamic properties.

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yuhum n {1} = pahiyum. see híyum. {2} dimple. v [A; c1] = pahiyum. ma-un() = mapahiyúmun. see híyum.

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ngáan = ngay-an, dialectal for diay.

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