"Kalahadlukan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kalahadlukan HILIGAYNON

kalahadlukán - (H) Things that excite
fear or terror; fearsome, fearful, terrible,
awful, horrible, dreadful, frightful,
alarming, appalling. (cf. hádluk,

Few words of positivity

Beauty is no dead thing. It is the manifestation of God in nature. There is not one object in nature untouched by man that is not beautiful, for God's manifestation is beauty. It shines through all His works, and not only in those that may give pleasure to man.

Annie Besant

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How do you spot Al Gore in a room full of secret service agents?A: He's the stiff one.

kahaladlukan HILIGAYNON

kahaladlukán - (H) See kahadlukán, kalahadlukán.

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