"Kakognan" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kakógnan - Place where much cogongrass grows; mountain side or field covered
with cogon-grass. (cf. kógon, kakogonán).

Few words of positivity

Love does not mean just joining lips and belly. It is much more. One should have respect for the other.

Girdhar Joshi, Some Mistakes Have No Pardon

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the boxer date the pretty girl? Because she was a knockout!

mingaw CEBUANO

míngaw a {1} lonely, deserted. Míngaw ang balay, kay nanáug ang tanan, The house is deserted because everyone went out. …

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wating CEBUANO

wating v [b8] hit s. o. behind ones back by accident in lifting a machete or axe preparatory to striking. …

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jambeux ENGLISH

In the Middle Ages, armor for the legs below the knees.

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celebrate ENGLISH

To perform or participate in, as a sacrament or solemn rite; to solemnize; to perform with appropriate rites; as, to …

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triplet ENGLISH

Three children or offspring born at one birth.

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A lace. See Lace.

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dúyug - To incline towards, lean towards, be attracted, have a mind to, be in favour of, have a liking …

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operose ENGLISH

Wrought with labor; requiring labor; hence, tedious; wearisome.

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kabaláan - Blessedness, bliss, happiness. (baláan; cf. kabulahánan).

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unsettle ENGLISH

To move or loosen from a settled position or state; to unfix; to displace; to disorder; to confuse.

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pugdul CEBUANO

pugdul a trimmed, cut short. Pugdul ang íkug sa irù, The dog has a stubbed tail. Pugdul ang íyang buhuk, …

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Of or pertaining to the vagus, or pneumogastric nerves; pneumogastric.

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hoazin ENGLISH

A remarkable South American bird (Opisthocomus cristatus); the crested touraco. By some zoologists it is made the type of a …

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romish ENGLISH

Belonging or relating to Rome, or to the Roman Catholic Church; -- frequently used in a disparaging sense; as, the …

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káwat n wire used for conducting electricity. hatud n message sent by telegraph or apparatus used to send telegraph (literary). …

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crosswise ENGLISH

In the form of a cross; across; transversely.

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pamunsyon HILIGAYNON

pamunsyón - To go to—, assist at—, partake of—, a banquet, etc. (cf. punsyón, panábad, pamadô). pamúntug, Freq. of búntug—to …

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gonangium ENGLISH
titulo, titulo HILIGAYNON

tituló, título - (Sp. título) Title; heading; epithet, claim, right, warrant. (cf. diplóma, pamúnò, kamunóan, hayô, katarúngan, kalig-onán, tungúd, bangúd).

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