"Kahoy-Kahoy" is a word in HILIGAYNON

kahoy-kahoy HILIGAYNON

kahóy-kahóy - Dim. of káhoy. Bush,
shrub, undergrowth, scrub, brushwood,
underwood, coppice, copse.

Few words of positivity

Intent not followed by action is an insult to your design. Decide what you want, create a plan, and get your ass out there!

Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor I'm on a diet and it's making me irritable. Yesterday I bit someones ear off.Oh dear, that's a lot of calories!

biform ENGLISH

Having two forms, bodies, or shapes.

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An extortioner; a sharp bargainer; a skinflint; a niggard.

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cragged ENGLISH

Full of crags, or steep, broken //cks; abounding with prominences, points, and inequalities; rough; rugged.

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For the sult; for the pur-poses of the suit; pending the suit A guard* ian ad litem Is a guardian …

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pito-pito HILIGAYNON

pitó-pitó - Irascible, choleric; irritable, testy, techy, touchy, hot—, sharp—, quick—, short—, tempered. (cf. sanggurút, pikón, kutóskutós).

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paladpad ILOKANO
confirm ENGLISH

To strengthen in judgment or purpose.

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daw-ánay - To give and take, reciprocate, exchange, interchange; salute one the other, shake hands with. (cf. dawô, dawoánay). dáw-an, …

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footing ENGLISH

The thickened or sloping portion of a wall, or of an embankment at its foot.

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nigritude ENGLISH

Blackness; the state of being black.

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intrabinus CEBUANO

intrabínus n intravenous feeding or injection. v [A; a1] give an intravenous injection.

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To let; to allow.

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diacoustics ENGLISH

That branch of natural philosophy which treats of the properties of sound as affected by passing through different mediums; -- …

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relish ENGLISH

That which is used to impart a flavor; specifically, something taken with food to render it more palatable or to …

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pharmacopoeia ENGLISH

A book or treatise describing the drugs, preparations, etc., used in medicine; especially, one that is issued by official authority …

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blenniid ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the blennies.

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bangsit ILOKANO

n. a coarse, labiate herb (Hyptis suaveolus (L.) Poir.) with blue flowers.

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lilikawan HILIGAYNON

lilikáwan - (H) What is to be——, should be——, can be——, avoided, avoidable, escapable. (cf. likáw).

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