"Kagus" is a word in CEBUANO


kágus v [A; a] scrape s.t.
that is hard and coarse.
Nagkágus siyag bagul, He is scraping a coconut shell.

Few words of positivity

On a medical school professor noted for slowly, carefully interviewing the patient: "He taught the love of truth.

David McCullough, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris

Laugh your heart out.

A man who forgets his wife's birthday is certain to get something to remember her by.

tapingar ILOKANO

n. comb of a fowl.

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informant ENGLISH

One who imparts information or instruction.

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Relating to rights and remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings.

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conclusion ENGLISH

An experiment, or something from which a conclusion may be drawn.

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tarrier ENGLISH

One who, or that which, tarries.

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To twitch; to pull; to tweak.

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tagiktik TAGALOG

tagiktik Definition: (noun) light sound of consecutive drops; ticking of clocks and watches

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discommend ENGLISH

To expose to censure or ill favor; to put out of the good graces of any one.

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islayid CEBUANO

islayid rul n slide rule. v [A; b5] use a slide rule.

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rinderpest ENGLISH

A highly contagious distemper or murrain, affecting neat cattle, and less commonly sheep and goats; -- called also cattle plague, …

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kabog, loss GAY LINGO

talo! - sholonan - pagan

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kapyaspirina CEBUANO

kapyaspirína = kapi aspirína.

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Pertaining to a passion for books; relating to a bibliomaniac.

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strobilaceous ENGLISH

Producing strobiles.

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A prefix, meaning upon, beside, among, on the outside, above, over. It becomes ep-before a vowel, as in epoch, and …

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arína - (Sp. harina) Flour.

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