"Kadaiya" is a word in CEBUANO

kadaiya CEBUANO

kadaíya (from káda and íya) a of various kinds.
Kadaíya man lang ang prútas nga gibaligyà sa karbun, Fruits of various kinds are sold in the market.
v [B1456] be all of di?
erent kinds.
Nagkadaíya ang mga midisínang gidápat, All di?
erent kinds of medicines were administered.

Few words of positivity

God is available in your thinking, impulses, and impressions on your mind, so login

Ikechukwu Joseph, Unlocking Closed Doors

Laugh your heart out.

Flying to Los Angeles from San Francisco the other day, a passenger noticed that the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign was kept lit during the whole journey although the flight was a particularly smooth one.Just before landing, he asked the stewardess about it."Well," she explained, "up front there are 17 University of California girls going to Los Angeles for the weekend."In back, there are 25 Coast Guard enlistees. What would you do?"


A walk or passage; -- applied to passages of various kinds.

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ant-cattle ENGLISH

Various kinds of plant lice or aphids tended by ants for the sake of the honeydew which they secrete. See …

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assortment ENGLISH

A collection containing a variety of sorts or kinds adapted to various wants, demands, or purposes; as, an assortment of …

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bágat - A kind of ghost believed in by the superstitious. It is supposed to appear in various strange shapes.

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balensyana HILIGAYNON

balensyána - (Sp. valenciana) Rice mixed with sausages, meat, vegetables, etc. and various spices, prepared in many different styles. Also: …

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basar n a shop or department store that sells various kinds of goods. v [a12b6] make into a bazaar.

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bdellium ENGLISH

An unidentified substance mentioned in the Bible (Gen. ii. 12, and Num. xi. 7), variously taken to be a gum, …

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beverage ENGLISH

Specifically, a name applied to various kinds of drink.

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bird fancier ENGLISH

One who has for sale the various kinds of birds which are kept in cages.

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bómbo - (Sp. bombo) A drum: to drum, beat a drum. Bombohá (bagtolá) ang bómbo. Beat the drum. Bombohí ang …

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buckler ENGLISH

A kind of shield, of various shapes and sizes, worn on one of the arms (usually the left) for protecting …

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buenabista HILIGAYNON

buenabísta - (Sp. buena vista) A fine view; a kind of ornamental plant of various búdlò – búgaw shapes and …

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bulálo - A kind of hard, variously coloured stone. bulalóy. Dull, stupid, backward, slow. (cf. gágo, búngaw, pákok, bághak, bulúk, …

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A common name for various kinds of vehicles, as a Scythian dwelling on wheels, or a chariot.

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Constitutiones LAW AND LEGAL

Laws promulgated, i. e., enacted, by the Roman Emperor. They were of various kinds, namely, the fol-lowing: (l) Edicta; (2) …

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A small, flat, sweetened cake of various kinds.

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corocore ENGLISH

A kind of boat of various forms, used in the Indian Archipelago.

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cryptogamia ENGLISH

The series or division of flowerless plants, or those never having true stamens and pistils, but propagated by spores of …

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cutworm ENGLISH

A caterpillar which at night eats off young plants of cabbage, corn, etc., usually at the ground. Some kinds ascend …

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desmognathous ENGLISH

Having the maxillo-palatine bones united; -- applied to a group of carinate birds (Desmognathae), including various wading and swimming birds, …

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