"Kabatoan" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kabatoán - Stones, rocks. (bató).

Few words of positivity

Most employees are smarter than their employers. All employers are braver than their employees.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Laugh your heart out.

A man who forgets his wife's birthday is certain to get something to remember her by.

patud WARAY
perpendicle ENGLISH

Something hanging straight down; a plumb line.

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borón - (Sp. borron) Blot, blur, stain, smudge: to blot, blur, run, as ink on old paper or on blotting …

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tampion ENGLISH

A plug for upper end of an organ pipe.

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heulandite ENGLISH

A mineral of the Zeolite family, often occurring in amygdaloid, in foliated masses, and also in monoclinic crystals with pearly …

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tikaw contraction of ta and ikaw. see ikaw.

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whitneyite ENGLISH

an arsenide of copper from Lake Superior.

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A quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for a person or party for …

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hisalo, hisalok HILIGAYNON

hisálo, hisálok - To sit down together with others, take meals in common; to agree, harmonize, live in harmony. (cf. …

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of Hyperapophysis

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eschar ENGLISH

A dry slough, crust, or scab, which separates from the healthy part of the body, as that produced by a …

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permanganate ENGLISH

A salt of permanganic acid.

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enhance ENGLISH

To raise or lift up; to exalt.

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hydrophora ENGLISH
jonesian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Jones.

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systematism ENGLISH

The reduction of facts or principles to a system.

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purger ENGLISH

One who, or that which, purges or cleanses; especially, a cathartic medicine.

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bivious ENGLISH

Having, or leading, two ways.

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