"Kabalyiru" is a word in CEBUANO

kabalyiru CEBUANO

kabalyíru n k.
small ornamental tree with pinnate leaves bearing red or yellow flowers: Caesalpinia pulcherrima.

kabalyiru CEBUANO

kabalyíru n {1} gentleman.
{2} acting like a gentleman.
{3} spending liberally.
prísu {1} one under house arrest.
{2} trustee in prison who can go about as he pleases.
v [AB12; c1] spend on a liberal scale, become a liberal spender.
Wà giyuy búngang makúhà ug kabalyirúhun (ikabalyíru) ug gastu ang kwarta, No good can result of it if he spends money lavishly.

Few words of positivity

Lack of wisdom does not make a fool. A fool, in the truest sense, is the man who regards his own misfortunes or those of others as a source of doubt or criticism of the infinite mercy of the Gohonzon.-Josei Toda

Daisaku Ikeda, Human Revolution- Volume 2

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why did the blonde write "TGIF" on her shoes?A. To remind her that "toes go in first."


prísu n prisoner. v {1} [A3P; a2] put in jail. Unsang saláay nakaprísu (nakapaprísu) nímu? What crime did you commit …

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