"Jurata" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


In eld English law. A jury of twelve men sworn. Especlally, a jury of

Few words of positivity

Old age isn't a battle old age is a massacre.

Philip Roth

Laugh your heart out.

What do computer experts do at weekends?Go for a disk drive.

acquit ENGLISH

To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge; -- now …

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acquittal ENGLISH

A setting free, or deliverance from the charge of an offense, by verdict of a jury or sentence of a …

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Ad Comparendum LAW AND LEGAL

To appear. Ad comparendum, et ad standum juri, to appear and to stand to the law, or abide the Jndg-ment …

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Ad Faciendum LAW AND LEGAL

To do. Co. Lltt 204a. Ad faciendum, subjiciendum et recipiendum; to do, submit to, and receive. Ad faciendum juratamillam; to …

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To inspect the womb. A writ for the summoning of a jury of matrons to determine the question of pregnancy. …

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Alieni Juris LAW AND LEGAL

Lat Under the control, or subject to the authority, of another person; e. g., an infant who is under the …

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Somewhat of possession, and noth-lng of right, (hut no right) A phrase used by Bracton to describe that kind of …

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in old Engllsh law. A criminal who accuses his accomplices, or who challenges a jury

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Appropriate LAW AND LEGAL

1. To make a thing one's own; to make a thing the subject of property; to exercise dominion over an …

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Archdeacon LAW AND LEGAL

A dignitary of the Anglicau church who has ecclesiastical juris-diction immediately subordinate to that of the bishop, either throughout the …

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To set in order, as a jury, for the trial of a cause; that is, to call them man by …

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A ranking or setting forth in order, by the proper officer, of a jury as impaneled in a cause.

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Arrogation LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. The adoption of a person who was of full age or sui juris. 1 Browne, Civil …

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In old Engllsh and Scotch law. An assise; a kind of jury or inquest; a writ; a sitting of a …

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assize ENGLISH

A verdict or finding of a jury upon such writ.

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assize ENGLISH

A court, the sitting or session of a court, for the trial of processes, whether civil or criminal, by a …

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assize ENGLISH

A special kind of jury or inquest.

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or ASSIZE. 1. An ancient species of court, consisting of a certain number of men, usually twelve, who were sum-moned …

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In the practice of the criminal courts of Scotland, the fifteen men who de-dde on the conviction or. acquittal of …

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attaint ENGLISH

A writ which lies after judgment, to inquire whether a jury has given a false verdict in any court of …

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