"Judaic" is a word in ENGLISH

judaic ENGLISH

Alt. of Judaical

Few words of positivity

When one fib becomes due as it were, you must forge another to take up the old acceptance; and so the stock of your lies in circulation inevitably multiplies, and the danger of detection increases every day.

William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the cannibal family who were caught spying by the witch-doctor? They were given a right roasting.

palanagtagan HILIGAYNON

palanagtagán - (H) A distributing centre. (cf. tágtag, panágtag).

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document ENGLISH

To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information; as, a a ship should be documented …

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circumstance ENGLISH

That which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event; an attendant thing or state …

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gullet ENGLISH

A preparatory cut or channel in excavations, of sufficient width for the passage of earth wagons.

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anomura ENGLISH

Alt. of Anomoura

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chiliasm ENGLISH

obs. 3d pers. sing. pres. of Send, for sendeth.

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góta - (Sp. góta) A drop of liquid. Gótas amárgas. Bitters. (cf. tolô).

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pamulakan HILIGAYNON

pamulákan - Garden, flower-garden, park. (búlak).

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inmesh ENGLISH

To bring within meshes, as of a net; to enmesh.

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unassured ENGLISH

Not to be trusted.

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Not apprehensive; regardless; unconcerned.

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sundries ENGLISH

Many different or small things; sundry things.

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byugul CEBUANO

byugul, byúgul a {1} dull, slow in comprehension. Nahagbung siya kay byúgul man, He flunked because hes dull. {2} five-centavo …

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In the Roman law. A bankrupt; a spendthrift; a squanderer of public funds. Calvin

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scire facias ENGLISH

A judicial writ, founded upon some record, and requiring the party proceeded against to show cause why the party bringing …

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drum major ENGLISH

A noisy gathering. [R.] See under Drum, n., 4.

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plotter ENGLISH

One who plots or schemes; a contriver; a conspirator; a schemer.

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