"Jiggish" is a word in ENGLISH

jiggish ENGLISH

Playful; frisky.

jiggish ENGLISH

Resembling, or suitable for, a jig, or lively movement.

Few words of positivity

In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was indistinguishable from everybody else's.

Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Laugh your heart out.

How is a woman like a condom? Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.

arangi-ang HILIGAYNON

arangí-ang - (B) Playful, frolicsome, sportive, frisky, full of sprightly humour. (cf. sádya, hinúgyaw; masádya).

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