"Jehu" is a word in ENGLISH


A coachman; a driver; especially, one who drives furiously.

Few words of positivity

I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.

Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the robber take a bath?So he could make a clean getaway.

coachbox ENGLISH

The seat of a coachman.

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coachman ENGLISH

A tropical fish of the Atlantic ocean (Dutes auriga); -- called also charioteer. The name refers to a long, lashlike …

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coachman ENGLISH

A man whose business is to drive a coach or carriage.

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To go by carriage; to pass in a carriage; to proceed by directing or urging on a vehicle or the …

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driver ENGLISH

The person who drives beasts or a carriage; a coachman; a charioteer, etc.; hence, also, one who controls the movements …

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dumalagsa HILIGAYNON

dumalágsà - (H) Carrying driftwood, etc. (cf. dágsà). dulút – dúmug dumalála, (H) Porter, carrier, bearer; driver, coachman, chauffeur. (cf. …

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footboard ENGLISH

The foot-rest of a coachman's box.

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kotséro - (Sp. cochero) Coachman, driver.

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A coachman; a driver of a carriage; as, a good whip.

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