"Itulubuk" is a word in HILIGAYNON


itulúbuk - (H) Anything used to prod with,
as a needle, fork, etc. (cf. tubók).

Few words of positivity

Failure per se is not a disease but it can trigger anxiety, depression and even suicide. If failure can strike anyone, how can we handle it? Medical science has a well-defined mechanism in place for dealing with diseases – it identifies the symptoms and then prescribes a methodology for their management. Psychologists and Psychiatrists have management practices for dealing with anxiety and depression. But do we have a method for dealing with failure?

Anup Kochhar, The Failure Project -The Story Of Man's Greatest Fear

Laugh your heart out.

A blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin. Out pops a Coke. The blonde looks amazed and runs away to get some more coins. She returns and starts feeding the machine madly and of course the machine keeps feeding out drinks.Another person walks up behind the blonde and watches her antics for a few minutes before stopping her and asking if someone else could have a go.The blonde turns around and shouts, "Can't you see I'm winning!"

sug-alaw, sug-alaw HILIGAYNON

sug-álaw, sug-aláw - (B) To meet, encounter, come upon, fall in with, especially said of persons coming from different directions. …

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disputant ENGLISH

One who disputes; one who argues // opposition to another; one appointed to dispute; a controvertist; a reasoner in opposition.

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kurus n {1} cross, crucifix. Way kurus nga lubung, A grave without a cross. {2} trouble, problem that tries ones …

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sleaved ENGLISH

Raw; not spun or wrought; as, sleaved thread or silk.

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mapatubason HILIGAYNON

mapatubáson - Prolific, productive, fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fecund, yielding a good crop. (cf. patubás, palatúbson).

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warrioress ENGLISH

A female warrior.

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appreciation ENGLISH

A just valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence.

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exemplary ENGLISH

An exemplar; also, a copy of a book or writing.

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reinvest ENGLISH

To invest again or anew.

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bucktooth ENGLISH

Any tooth that juts out.

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ímaw - (B) Companion, partner, chum, pal, mate. (cf. ibá, kaúpud).

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singkaw TAGALOG

singkaw Definition: see singkaw1 see singkaw2

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gakus v [AC; ab2] hug, embrace. Tiggakus siyag alungnag matúlug, He usually embraces a pillow when he sleeps. Ang duha …

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salaam ENGLISH

To make or perform a salam.

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nailer ENGLISH

One whose occupation is to make nails; a nail maker.

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exequy ENGLISH

A funeral rite (usually in the plural); the ceremonies of burial; obsequies; funeral procession.

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kagaspang HILIGAYNON

kagáspang - Roughness, coarseness, hardness (of skin, etc.). (cf. gáspang).

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shistose ENGLISH

See Shist, Schistose.

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depart ENGLISH

To part; to divide; to separate.

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