"Itin-Itin" is a word in HILIGAYNON

itin-itin HILIGAYNON

itín-ítin - To hint at, allude to, intimate,
insinuate, make innuendos, make
insinuations, give out obscure hints, speak
in parables or similitudes intelligible only
to the initiated. Indì ka magitínítin, kóndi
maghámbal ka sing maáthag, kay

makasaláklaw ang pagitínítin. Don’t make
insinuations, but speak clearly, for
malicious hints are exasperating.
Ginitinitínan (ginpaitinitínan) akó níya
sang malisúd nga pagbátì sang ákon
nánay. N.N. gave me some hints as to the
serious illness of my mother. (cf. paitínítin
which is more in use).

Few words of positivity

A bull does not enjoy fame in two herds.

Rhodesian proverb

Laugh your heart out.

What did the werewolf write at the bottom of the letter? Best vicious . . .


balásan - To bespeak, speak to, warn, forewarn, inform beforehand of a secret plan, a hidden scheme and the like. …

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dungug CEBUANO

dungug v {1} [A12; a3b2] hear. Nakadungug ka sa kasábà? Did you hear the noise? Wà nákù madungug ang íyang …

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glance ENGLISH

To make an incidental or passing reflection; to allude; to hint; -- often with at.

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To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something.

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lakbit CEBUANO

lakbit a {1} brief, short in time. Sa lakbit nga pagkasulti, In short or briefly. Lakbit nga pagkakítà, A brief …

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pallayaw ILOKANO

v. /MANGI-: I-/ to hint at, allude to, mention indirectly or subtly, make known indirectly. Impallayaw na ti ayat na …

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pasahi CEBUANO

pasáhi n {1} introduction, prelude to a musical rendition. {2} hints and words said before one gets around to his …

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sínyas - (Sp. seña) Sign, signal, token, password, hint, wink, gesture; to make a sign to, give an agreed nod …

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witik v [A; b] {1} strike s.t. with a flick. Wikti sa latigu ang lángaw nga náa sa bukubuku sa …

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