"Italic" is a word in ENGLISH

italic ENGLISH

Relating to Italy or to its people.

italic ENGLISH

An Italic letter, character, or type (see Italic, a., 2.);
-- often in the plural; as, the Italics are the author's. Italic
letters are used to distinguish words for emphasis, importance,
antithesis, etc. Also, collectively, Italic letters.

italic ENGLISH

Applied especially to a kind of type in which the letters
do not stand upright, but slope toward the right; -- so called because
dedicated to the States of Italy by the inventor, Aldus Manutius, about
the year 1500.

Few words of positivity

You can almost always find something in common with another person, and from there, it's much easier to address issues where you have differences. Sports cut across boundaries of race and wealth. And if nothing else, we all have the weather in common.

Randy Pausch

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the lightning grilled on the stove?-To make heat lightning


The first letter of the English and of many other alphabets. The capital A of the alphabets of Middle and …

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italicize ENGLISH

To print in Italic characters; to underline written letters or words with a single line; as, to Italicize a word; …

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Upright; erect; -- said of the letters or kind of type ordinarily used, as distinguished from Italic characters.

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Roman type, letters, or print, collectively; -- in distinction from Italics.

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