"Istanding" is a word in CEBUANO

istanding CEBUANO

istanding a having standing room only in theaters.
Istanding kaáyu, wà giyud ku kalingkud, It was very crowded.
I couldnt get a seat.
v [B6; b6] for a theater to have standing room only.

istanding CEBUANO

istanding n {1} standing position in sexual intercourse (hu-morous slang).
{2} erection of the penis (slang).
v {1} [B256] do s.t.
in a standing position.
Nag-istanding kung nagkaun kay walà na may lingkuránan, I ate standing because there were no more seats.
{2} [B1256] for penis to be erect (humorous slang).

Few words of positivity

The only horrible thing in the world is ennui.

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the bartender say to the jumper cables when they walked into the bar? A: Ok you 2, dont start anything


kuyaw a {1} frightful, dreadful. Labihang kuyáwa ang ákung damgu gabíi, My dream last night was very dreadful. {2} dan-gerous …

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lagduk CEBUANO

lagduk n {1} a small stake. {2} penis (humorous slang). {3} ang anínu noon (lit. for the shadow to have …

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lansang CEBUANO

lansang n {1} nail. Lansang sa kabáyù, Nail for a horseshoe. {2} dried anchovies (slang). v {1} [A; c] drive …

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pantaypantay CEBUANO

pantaypantay a more or less equal in ability (slang). Pantay-pantay ra mi sa klási, We have about the same standing …

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parula CEBUANO

parúla n lighthouse. v [b6] {1} put up a lighthouse. {2} glass jar of palm toddy (slang). Daghan kaáyung parúla …

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