"Isolable" is a word in ENGLISH

isolable ENGLISH

Capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure
state; as, gold is isolable.

Few words of positivity

...my desire for him exploded into a great hunger. I was dizzy with it.

Kenya Wright, Escape

Laugh your heart out.

What does a caterpillar do on New Years Day ?Turns over a new leaf !

intrusive ENGLISH

Apt to intrude; characterized by intrusion; entering without right or welcome.

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profile ENGLISH

A drawing exhibiting a vertical section of the ground along a surveyed line, or graded work, as of a railway, …

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Hence, one who boastfully pretends to skill or knowledge of any kind not possessed; a charlatan.

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bindery ENGLISH

A place where books, or other articles, are bound; a bookbinder's establishment.

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infuscation ENGLISH

The act of darkening, or state of being dark; darkness; obscurity.

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taning TAGALOG

taning1 Definition: (noun) a time limit

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trencher-man ENGLISH

A feeder; a great eater; a gormandizer.

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present ENGLISH

To exhibit or offer to view or notice; to lay before one's perception or cognizance; to set forth; to present …

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namud-ot WARAY

Namud-ot - pouting

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tata, tata HILIGAYNON

tâtâ, tátà - To fray (out), untwist, unravel, wear out, tear to (in, into) rags (tatters), to break or crush …

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An old solfeggio name for B flat; the seventh harmonic, as heard in the or aeolian string; -- so called …

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paralytic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to paralysis; resembling paralysis.

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tadlip CEBUANO
gonfalonier ENGLISH

An officer at Rome who bears the standard of the Church.

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encystment ENGLISH

A process by which many internal parasites, esp. in their larval states, become inclosed within a cyst in the muscles, …

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behind ENGLISH

At the back part; in the rear.

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laxative ENGLISH

Having a tendency to loosen or relax.

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dagyaw CEBUANO

dagyaw n days work done by a group without pay for landlord or for a communal project (usually on a …

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extemporal ENGLISH

Extemporaneous; unpremeditated.

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