"Islayid" is a word in CEBUANO

islayid CEBUANO

isláyid n {1} photographic slide.
{2} microscope slide.
v {1} [A13] show slides.
{2} [c6] put a slide under a microscope.

islayid CEBUANO

islayid rul n slide rule.
v [A; b5] use a slide rule.

islayid CEBUANO

isláyid v {1} [B26; b8] slip, lose ones footing by slipping.
Muisláyid (maisláyid) ang táwung makatamak ug pánit sa ságing, A man will slip if he steps on a banana peel.
{2} [B3(1)6; b6(1)] slide down on s.t.
Muisláyid ku sa pasamánu, I will slide down the bannister.
n {1} sliding ramp.
{2} slide on a trombone.

Few words of positivity

You can start to change your luck today. Begin believing that you can have what you desire and superior things will arrive.

Steve Backley, The Champion in all of Us: 12 Rules for Success

Laugh your heart out.

What do ghosts say when a girl footballer is sent off ?Ban-she, ban-she !

bangil CEBUANO

bángil v {1} [A; b5c] put s.t. beneath or next to s.t. to keep it from jiggling, rolling, sliding, etc. …

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dahili CEBUANO

dahílì v [B2S3; c] {1} for solids in small pieces (grains, small rocks, etc. ) to slip, slide down touching …

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dailus CEBUANO

daílus v {1} [A; b6] move, slide or trickle slowly across or down on a surface. Inigsaylu sa balud mudaílus …

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dalahik CEBUANO

dalahik v [A; c1] {1} drag s.t. that slides along the ground, usually said of boats. Idahik (dahika) ang sakayan …

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dal-us CEBUANO

dal-us v [APB; c1P] {1} drag or slide slowly in a downward di-rection. Ang íyang nigusyu nagkadal-us sa kapútu, His …

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daurus CEBUANO

daúrus v [AP2; b(1)] slide down an incline. Midaúrus siya sa ubus dihang nahúg sa banghilig, He slid down when …

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handalas CEBUANO

handalas a steep and slippery. Handalas ang dálan padúlung sa walug, The path to the valley is steep and slippery. …

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hilus v {1} [B26; c1] for s.t. tied securely in place to slip o? , move out of place by …

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húlug v {1} [A; c] drop, fall freely, cause s.t. to do so. Usa ka hinug nga búnga nahúlug, A …

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1. The act of launching a vessel; the movement of a vessel from the land into, the water, especlally the …

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salidsid CEBUANO

salidsid (from sidsid) v {1} [AN; c] go, take s.t. along the edge of s.t. Nanalidsid ang sakayan sa baybáyun, …

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salindut CEBUANO

salindut v {1} [A; c6] shove s.t. away with force to make it slide. Isalindut ngari nang bangkítu, Shove the …

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san-ut CEBUANO

san-ut a {1} for clothing to be baggy or crumpled from having been subjected to unusual strain at one spot. …

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sini n {1} movie house. {2} motion picture. {3} showing of motion pictures. Way sini run kay Birnis Santu, There …

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tapyas CEBUANO

tapyas v {1} [A2; b] graze, rub against slightly. Gitapyasan sa panà ang íyang áping, His cheek was grazed by …

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tiurus CEBUANO

tiúrus v [B46; a] {1} continue going on, speed away. Mitiúrus siyag lakaw bisan gitawag, He continued walking away even …

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us-us v {1} [A2; b6(1)] slide down on s.t. holding on partially. Mius-us ang mga bátà sa pasamánu, The children …

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