"Isagoge" is a word in ENGLISH

isagoge ENGLISH

An introduction.

Few words of positivity

I am drawn to a fourth alternative, natural teleology, or teleological bias, as an account of the existence of the biological possibilities on which natural selection can operate. I believe that teleology is a naturalistic alternative that is distinct from all three of the other candidate explanations: chance, creationism, and directionless physical law. To avoid the mistake that White finds in the hypothesis of nonintentional bias, teleology would have to be restrictive in what it makes likely, but without depending on intentions or motives. This would probably have to involve some conception of an increase in value through the expanded possibilities provided by the higher forms of organization toward which nature tends: not just any outcome could qualify as a telos. That would make value an explanatory end, but not one that is realized through the purposes or intentions of an agent. Teleology means that in addition to physical law of the familiar kind, there are other laws of nature that are "biased toward the marvelous".

Thomas Nagel, Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False

Laugh your heart out.

I was so sorry to hear you buried your mother last week.Well, we had to, you know, she was dead.


In English. A term formerly used ln pleading when a thlng ls described both ln Latin and English, inserted immediately …

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aquapuncture ENGLISH

The introduction of water subcutaneously for the relief of pain.

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blockade ENGLISH

To shut up, as a town or fortress, by investing it with troops or vessels or war for the purpose …

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bougie ENGLISH

A long slender rod consisting of gelatin or some other substance that melts at the temperature of the body. It …

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conclude ENGLISH

To shut off; to restrain; to limit; to estop; to bar; -- generally in the passive; as, the defendant is …

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cromlech ENGLISH

A monument of rough stones composed of one or more large ones supported in a horizontal position upon others. They …

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That form of govern-ment in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free …

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exordium ENGLISH

A beginning; an introduction; especially, the introductory part of a discourse or written composition, which prepares the audience for the …

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Since; because; introducing a reason of something before advanced, a cause, motive, explanation, justification, or the like, of an action …

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frigate ENGLISH

Originally, a vessel of the Mediterranean propelled by sails and by oars. The French, about 1650, transferred the name to …

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gastrostomy ENGLISH

The operation of making a permanent opening into the stomach, for the introduction of food.

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gunflint ENGLISH

A sharpened flint for the lock of a gun, to ignite the charge. It was in common use before the …

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Under the Saxon orgauiza-tion of England, each county or shire corn-prised an indefinite number of hundreds, each hundred containing ten …

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Impertinence LAW AND LEGAL

Irrelevancy; the fault of not properly pertaining to the issue or proceeding. The introduction of any mat-ters into a bill, …

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inducement ENGLISH

Matter stated by way of explanatory preamble or introduction to the main allegations of a pleading; a leading to.

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induction ENGLISH

An introduction or introductory scene, as to a play; a preface; a prologue.

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induction ENGLISH

The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement.

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induction ENGLISH

The introduction of a clergyman into a benefice, or of an official into a office, with appropriate acts or ceremonies; …

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influx ENGLISH

A coming in; infusion; intromission; introduction; importation in abundance; also, that which flows or comes in; as, a great influx …

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initiatory ENGLISH

Suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step.

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