"Irritatory" is a word in ENGLISH

irritatory ENGLISH

Exciting; producing irritation; irritating.

Few words of positivity

Making music is an emotional thing. And when you're on a video shoot with 50 people there, you have to somehow, in a non-emotional way, say what you want and not feel guilty for it. And that takes growing up and that takes... not caring how people perceive you as much. And it just takes experience, I think.

Jillian Rose Banks

Laugh your heart out.

Q: When driving through fog, what should you use?A: Your car.

breeze ENGLISH

An excited or ruffed state of feeling; a flurry of excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel; as, the discovery produced a …

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brunonian ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or invented by, Brown; -- a term applied to a system of medicine promulgated in the 18th century …

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disgust ENGLISH

Repugnance to what is offensive; aversion or displeasure produced by something loathsome; loathing; strong distaste; -- said primarily of the …

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Emotional Insanity LAW AND LEGAL

The species of mental aberration produced by a violent excitement of the emotions or passions, though the reasoning faculties may …

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epispastic ENGLISH

An external application to the skin, which produces a puriform or serous discharge by exciting inflammation; a vesicatory.

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excitant ENGLISH

An agent or influence which arouses vital activity, or produces increased action, in a living organism or in any of …

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excitation ENGLISH

The act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced.

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exciting ENGLISH

Calling or rousing into action; producing excitement; as, exciting events; an exciting story.

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excito-motory ENGLISH

Exciting motion; -- said of that portion of the nervous system concerned in reflex actions, by which impressions are transmitted …

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That which produces effects analogous to those of a fan, as in exciting a flame, etc.; that which inflames, heightens, …

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Wearing a gay or bright appearance; expressing or exciting joy; producing gladness; exhilarating.

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hydrophobia ENGLISH

The disease caused by a bite form, or inoculation with the saliva of, a rabid creature, of which the chief …

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erangement Is accompanied with more or less of excitement. Sometimes the excitement amounts to a fury. The individual ln such …

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irritation ENGLISH

A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the …

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phosphene ENGLISH

A luminous impression produced through excitation of the retina by some cause other than the impingement upon it of rays …

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pleasure ENGLISH

The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish, or happiness produced by …

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reflex ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or produced by, stimulus or excitation without the necessary intervention of consciousness.

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sorrowful ENGLISH

Producing sorrow; exciting grief; mournful; lamentable; grievous; as, a sorrowful accident.

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stimulus ENGLISH

That which excites or produces a temporary increase of vital action, either in the whole organism or in any of …

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thirst ENGLISH

A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation of drink, or by …

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