"Irrecusable" is a word in ENGLISH

irrecusable ENGLISH

Not liable to exception or rejection.

Few words of positivity

For a great many people, the evening is the most enjoyable part of the day. Perhaps, then, there is something to his advice that I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?

Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day

Laugh your heart out.

A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head.'Are you here as a ghost ?' asked his friends'No, I'm an undercover agent".


To diminish; to reduce. Legacies are liable to be abated entirely or in proportion, upon a deficiency of assets.

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abáyan - Liable to fall under a spell by which a benefit is changed into its opposite evil. Indì mo …

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without impeachment of waste; without accountability for waste; without liability to suit for v/aste. A clause anciently often in-serted in …

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accountable ENGLISH

Liable to be called on to render an account; answerable; as, every man is accountable to God for his conduct.

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accusable ENGLISH

Liable to be accused or censured; chargeable with a crime or fault; blamable; -- with of.

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acescent ENGLISH

A substance liable to become sour.

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Adjustment LAW AND LEGAL

In the law of insur-ance, the adjustment of a loss ls the ascer-tninment of Its amount and the ratable distribution …

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In welsh law. A proprie-tor who, for some cause, entered the serv-ice of another proprietor, aud left him after the …

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alabúton - One subject to periodical fits, especially said of idiots, maniacs, lunatics with lucid intervals of some duration, but …

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alandaman HILIGAYNON

alandáman - (H) Delicate, precious, to be handled with care or caution. Ang tanán nga mga butáng nga mahapús mabúong …

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The list of persons liable to military watches, who were at the same

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alátay - A disease manifesting itself by trembling and great dizzines; chickens are particularly liable to, and often die of, …

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amenable ENGLISH

Liable to punishment, a charge, a claim, etc.

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amenable ENGLISH

Liable to be brought to account or punishment; answerable; responsible; accountable; as, amenable to law.

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Subject to answer to the .aw; accountable; responsible; liable to pun-ishment. Miller v. Com., 1 Duv. (Ky.) 17

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amerceable ENGLISH

Liable to be amerced.

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amissible ENGLISH

Liable to be lost.

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answerable ENGLISH

Obliged to answer; liable to be called to account; liable to pay, indemnify, or make good; accountable; amenable; responsible; as, …

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The quality of being answerable, liable, responsible, or correspondent.

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apology ENGLISH

Something said or written in defense or justification of what appears to others wrong, or of what may be liable …

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