"Ipikasint" is a word in CEBUANO

ipikasint CEBUANO

ipikasint n e?
cascent oil, patent medicinal oil.
úwil = ipikasint.

Few words of positivity

Love always flows. When we hinder it's path, it gets flooded, destroys everything around it.

Saga Valsalan

Laugh your heart out.

How is a woman like a condom? Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick.

hinlalato TAGALOG

hinlalato Definition: (noun) middle finger or toe

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donation ENGLISH

The act of giving or bestowing; a grant.

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adelantado ENGLISH

A governor of a province; a commander.

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Imprescriptibility LAW AND LEGAL

The state or quality of being incapable of prescription; not of such a character that a right to it can …

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church ENGLISH

A Jewish or heathen temple.

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alungáy - An insistent request, solicitation, petition; to importune, to ask earnestly, to solicit, petition, request. Alungayá inâ sa kay …

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corselet ENGLISH

Armor for the body, as, the body breastplate and backpiece taken together; -- also, used for the entire suit of …

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decretory ENGLISH

Serving to determine; critical.

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Destitute of the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion; as, matter is inert.

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Discriminative characteristic; standard of judgment; ground of admission or exclusion.

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counsel ENGLISH

To advise or recommend, as an act or course.

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In English ecclesiastical law. The right of presentation to a church or ecclesiastical benefice; the same with ad-vowson, (q. v.) …

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pang otsu CHAVACANO

English: eighth Tagalog: ika-walo

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intermission ENGLISH

The act or the state of intermitting; the state of being neglected or disused; disuse; discontinuance.

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sinecurism ENGLISH

The state of having a sinecure.

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hokóm - Judge; to judge, pass sentence upon, try a court-case. "Indì ka maghokóm, agúd ikáw índì man paghókman”. "Judge …

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lampingasan HILIGAYNON

lampingásan - Wicked, villainous, rascally, mean, shameless; a scoundrel, villain, rascal, a man without honour or virtue, a base wretch; …

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pectostraca ENGLISH

A degenerate order of Crustacea, including the Rhizocephala and Cirripedia.

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