"Intumescing" is a word in ENGLISH

intumescing ENGLISH

of Intumesce

Few words of positivity

My prayer is an attitude of pure gratitude for having the opportunity to experience life on this earth with all its pain, heartache, worry, and turmoil; coupled with this gratitude is the thankfulness for just having the opportunity to have lived. That is fairly easy on good days but difficult when life puts rocks and boulders in the road.

David W. Earle

Laugh your heart out.

The nurse who can smile when things go wrong is probably going off duty.

intumesce ENGLISH

To enlarge or expand with heat; to swell; specifically, to swell up or bubble up under the action of heat, …

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intumescence ENGLISH

Anything swollen or enlarged, as a tumor.

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intumescence ENGLISH

The act or process of swelling or enlarging; also, the state of being swollen; expansion; tumidity; especially, the swelling up …

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intumescent ENGLISH

Swelling up; expanding.

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zeolite ENGLISH

A term now used to designate any one of a family of minerals, hydrous silicates of alumina, with lime, soda, …

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