"Intrigued" is a word in ENGLISH

intrigued ENGLISH

of Intrigue

Few words of positivity

Ignorance is never better than knowledge.

Enrico Fermi

Laugh your heart out.

An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can removea "Curse" he has been living with for the last 40 years.The Wizard says "maybe, but you will have to tell me theexact words that were used to put the curse on you."The old man says without hesitation"I now pronounce you man and wife".

affair ENGLISH

Any proceeding or action which it is wished to refer to or characterize vaguely; as, an affair of honor, i. …

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Love making; a love affair; usually, an unlawful connection in love; a love intrigue; an illicit love affair.

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To use some bait or artifice; to intrigue; to scheme; as, to angle for praise.

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backdoor ENGLISH

Acting from behind and in concealment; as, backdoor intrigues.

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backstair ENGLISH

Private; indirect; secret; intriguing; -- as if finding access by the back stairs.

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brigue ENGLISH

A cabal, intrigue, faction, contention, strife, or quarrel.

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The secret artifices or machinations of a few persons united in a close design; intrigue.

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To unite in a small party to promote private views and interests by intrigue; to intrigue; to plot.

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A number of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or …

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A small association for the pur-pose of Intrigue; an intrigue. This name was given to that ministry in the reign …

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court-craft ENGLISH

The artifices, intrigues, and plottings, at courts.

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deeply ENGLISH

With profound skill; with art or intricacy; as, a deeply laid plot or intrigue.

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designing ENGLISH

Intriguing; artful; scheming; as, a designing man.

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figaro ENGLISH

An adroit and unscrupulous intriguer.

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gallantry ENGLISH

Civility or polite attention to ladies; in a bad sense, attention or courtesy designed to win criminal favors from a …

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gúmun n ball of entangled fiber, hair, and the like. Ang bangag sa labábu nahut-ag gúmun sa buhuk, The spout …

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intriga CEBUANO

intríga n intrigue. Kasína ug intríga mauy naghárì sa ílang punduk, Jealousy and intrigue dominate their group. v [A13] intrigue …

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intrigante ENGLISH

A female intriguer.

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intrigu CEBUANO

intrígu = intrigar.

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